郑燕,孟凡民 主编
本套丛书是为使用“人教版”高中英语教材的“课改地区”的高一、高二学生提高英语阅读能力而编写的,以《英语课程标准》及教学大纲为依据,选材与教材话题同步,力求全方位、多角度帮助老师和学生理解教材。使用其他版本教材的学生和老师,也可以选择本丛书作为扩展阅读训练及系统培养和提高阅读理解应试能力的素材。 1、语篇选材与教材话题同步,有助于提高学生的阅读水平 2、按“热身—基础一拓展—应用”渐进编排,由易到难、渐入佳境 3、优选精析各地模拟试题、高考真题、经典名题,着眼以练促考 4、话题词汇、名言集锦、试题解析,一应俱全 5、题型靠近高考,提示体裁、字数,便于限时自测
选修 7 Unit One Living well Unit TwO Robots Unit Three Under the sea Unit Four Sharing Unit Five Travelling abroad 选修7 模拟试题选修 8 Unit One A land of diversity Unit Two Cloning Unit Three Inventors and inventions Unit Four Pygmalion Unit Five Meeting your ancestors 选修8 模拟试题ANSWER
A stepparent is another adult whos looking out for you, so its best to give him or her the same level of respect you give your own parents, coach, or teacher at school. What should be done if you cant get along well with her even if you have tried? Could it be the fact that someone else is taking away some of your dads attention? If something is bothering you, it helps to figure out exactly where the problem is happening, and speak up. Its not easy sharing your parent and your home with a stepparent. It can be even harder if your stepparent has children, and you have stepsiblings now, too! Dont be afraid to let your morn or dad know that you miss spending time with him or her alone. Its also a good idea to have a family meeting to hash out any problems. Maybe you can come up with a schedule for sharing the TV. Better yet, maybe the family can do something other than watch TV, like play a game together. But if you just cant seem to get along with your stepparent no matter what, its time for a major heart-to-heart with your parent, and maybe your stepparent, too. Youd better not say "I cant stand her!" or "Hes ruining my life!" This will only hurt their feelings and will not make anything better. Instead, explain why youre upset with your stepparent. Be specific about what the problems are and why you feel so angry.
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