武力 等著,顾伟光 译
Through its reform and opening to the outside world, China has workedan economic miracle and boosted its comprehensive strength, enhancing itsstanding in the international communi As more and more people aroundthe world are eager to know and understand China, we have compiled the China Series, aiming to provide a shortcut for readers to get the basic factsabout this countr The i2 titles in this series cover China's geograph history; politics, econo-mculture, law, diplomacnational defense, and socie, as well as its science,technology and education; its environment; and its ethnic groups and reli-gions. These writings will help readers acquire a basic knowledge of China.
《中国经济(英文版)》内容简介:After over 30 years of sustained rapid development since the reformand opening up, China has achieved a stunning and eye-catchingeconomic growth, enabling it to become the world's third largesteconomy Today in the face of the spreading global financial crisis andits severe aftermaths, China has once again presumed the image of acapable and responsible great power. The world focuses its attentionon and looks forward towards China. Then, why does China hold theworld's attention? Will China's economy continue to grow rapidly orwill it collapse? What is Chinese economy's secret of success? Will China become a wealthy; harmonious and democratic nation? Whatcontributions will China make to the global economy? This book willset out to provide brief answers to all of these important questions.
PrefaceChinas Economic GeographyDevelopment Course of China s EconomyChina s Basic Economic System and PoliciesThe Standards and Achievements of China s Economic DevelopmentThe Challenges and Development Trends of China s EconomyCHina s Role and Postition in the Global Ecomomy
插图:China's borders are 22,800 kilometers long and sharedwith North Korea in the east and Mongolia in the north. Itborders with Russia in the northeast and Kazakhstan, Kyr-gyzstan, Tajikistan in the northwest. The border is sharedwith Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, and Bhutan in thewest and southwest, and is contiguous with Myanmar, Laosand Vietnam in the south. The seas separate China fromSouth Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, andIndonesia in the east and southeast. China's territorial seas cover an area of 4,730,000 squarekilometers and its continental coastline is 18,000 km long.The eastern and southern part of the Chinese mainland issurrounded by the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, the East ChinaSea and the South China Sea. The Bohai Sea is an inland seaof China, while the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and theSouth China Sea are marginal seas of the Pacific Ocean. China is a mountainous country with about two third ofthe total area of the whole country occupied by mountainregions (mountainous areas, hills and plateau), while thebasins and plains only account for one third of the total area.The overall layout of China's terrain is characterized by ahigher western section and lower eastern section, whichroughly resembles a staircase pattern. The highest stair isthe Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, with an average elevation ofabove 4,000 m, which is famously known as the "Roof ofthe world". The second stair stretches from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to the north and east, consisting of the InnerMongolia Plateau, the Loess Plateau, the Yun-gui Plateauand the Tarim Basin, the Junggar Basin and the Sichuan Ba-sin, with an average elevation of 1,000 to 2,000 meters.