(英)卡恩 著,蒋严 导读
本书没有预设语义学和逻辑学的专门知识,循序渐进地介绍了经典蒙太格语义学,便于初学者阅读。读者通过本书可对蒙太格语义学的体系有较全面深入的认识。 本书适合语言学、人工智能、认知科学等相关专业的研究者阅读。
Ronnie Cann长期执教于爱丁堡大学语言学系,曾任该系系主任。他的研究领域有形式句法、语义学、语用学等,已出版和发表颇多重要论著。
《西方语言学视野》总序 《形式语义学导论》导读 原书目录 1 绪论 1.1 语义学与语义理论 1.1.1 意义的叠置组合 1.1.2 语义关系 1.1.3 歧义 1.1.4 指谓 1.2 解释与表征 1. 2.1 真值条件 1.2.2 形式化、模型与集合 1.3 超出真值条件的意义 1.3.1 知识、行为与语用 1.3.2 语境 1.4 方法略论 1.5 延伸阅读 2 谓词与论元 2.1 将英语译成逻辑语言 2.1.1 Lp语言的语法 2.1.2 英语的部分语法系统 2.1.3 转译的程序 2.2 对Lp语言的解释 2.2.1 个体和等同算子 2.2.2 集合论浅介 2.2.3 对谓词的解释 2.2.4 结语 2.3 延伸阅读 3 否定与并列 3.1 复合句 3.2 复杂逻辑式 3.3 解释 3.3.1 否定 3.3.2 合取 3.3.3 析取 3.3.4 蕴涵 3.3.5 等同 3.4 形式化解释 3.4.1 形式化模型 3.4.2 模型论 3.5 延伸阅读 4 类型论 4.1 动词组和其他成分 4.2 类型化逻辑语言 4.2.1 语义类型 4.2.2 动词组的转译 4.3 对集合沦的补充 4.3.1 关系和函项 4.3.2 再沦集合 4.4 对Ltype语言的解释 4.4.1 指谓 4.4.2 理论的修订 4.5 副词 4.6 延伸阅读 5 兰姆达算子 6 量化 7 推理 8 时间、时制与时态 9 可能世界 10 内涵语义学
插图:This definition makes specific reference to a state-of-affairs that holds on the occasionof the utterance of the sentence, and this is an important point. As we have seen, theproposition expressed by an utterance of The book is on the table is true with respectto the situation depicted in (13), but not to that depicted in (15), because in the lattercase there is no correspondence between the state-of-affairs described by the sentenceand that portrayed in the picture. The situation in which, or with respect to which, asentence is uttered constitutes an important part of the interpretation of sentences, andother expressions, to be discussed in later chapters of the book.Just knowing whether a statement is true or false does not, of course, itself tellus what the statement means. Speakers of a language know the meaning of a sentencein their language even if they do not know the truth or falsity of the propositionexpressed by that sentence. For example, Ronnie has just dropped a cup of tea on thefloor is a perfectly comprehensible sentence in English whose meaning is clear,irrespective of whether readers know whether it describes a true state-of-affairs.
很不错的图书 很不错的图书
Formal Semantics: An Introduction第一版是1993的,作为入门教材还不错。建议:国外图书引进版的,最好注明是原版书是何时、第几版等信息。谢谢!