袁奇 编
在经济全球化背景下,学术国际化已成为一种势不可挡的大势。现在中国学者参与国际学术交流的机会越来越多,如何向国际顶尖学术研究的方向努力,并且在国际学术界发挥影响力,是中国学者的一大挑战。目前,对于中国学者来说,进行国际学术交流最大的障碍之一就是语言障碍。现在最普及的国际交流语言是英语,而由于种种原因,我国学者的整体英语水平仍有待提升。在这种背景下,我们编写了这本教材,旨在帮助广大经济学教育工作者、科研人员克服语言障碍,培养其综合运用英语从事与本人专业相关的科学研究、国际学术交流的能力。本教材主要针对的是高等院校的经济类高年级本科生或者研究生,以及商务英语专业的学生;既可用做其专业英语或者双语课程的教学,也可作为从事相关工作英语爱好者的阅读材料。 全书分为十五个单元,以经济学的主要分支学科为切入点,系统的培养学习者在经济学各个研究领域的综合英语运用能力。这十五个单元包括西方经济学、政治经济学、国际经济学、国民经济学、产业经济学、区域经济学、劳动经济学、法律经济学、农业经济学、国防经济学、消费经济学、人口、资源与环境经济学、财政学、金融学和保险。
1 Western Economics2 Political Economy3 International Economics4 National Economics5 Industrial Economies6 Regional Economics7 Labor Economics8 Law and Economics9 Agronomics10 Defense Economics11 Consumer Economics Population, Environmen12 and Natural Resources Economics13 Public Economics The Economics of14 Money, Banking, and Financial Market15 Insurance
And the China Business News has carried an atypically direct commemary that alleged that the power shortage was caused by government monopolies controlling railways,power plants and the power grid. In an effort to hasten a return to normal,China’S government has managed to persuade nearly half a million travelers to abandon their travel plans for this week’S holiday and accept refunds instead——even though,for many,this will be the only chance they’ll have all year to get home and see their families.Investment Opportunities in the wind We are not SO naive as to suggest that Beijing is turning over a new leaf with regard to a sudden relaxation in media contr01.but the fact that they are allowing normally controversial headlines and stories to appear at a time when tremendous social stress could be setting the stage for more govemment spending as a means of appeasing the restless masses. Assuming we’re right and history suggests that we are,this future outlay could boost ChinaS gross domestic product(GDP)growth to an even brisker rate than the blistering 1 1.4%they reported for 2007.The fuel:The trillions of dollars that get unleashed as part of the high-visibility programs that are aimed at reducing social unrest even as they upgrade the companyS infrastructure and maximize economic production. And they’II need it.The damage estimate of US$7.5 billion is certain to escalate.And the storm has spotlighted key infrastructure shortcomings that will now have to be addressed. In the past,the spending has been targeted to critical areas such as power production.transportation and construction.This time around,we think it will also include mart reforms that are designed to reduce the odds of the current crisis being repeated.
了解经济理论,把握经济脉搏 关注经济问题,培养经济意识 激发语言潜能,提高语言水平 掌握语言技巧,丰富语言知识