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《语言与文化研究》论丛每年出版四辑,由北京物资学院外语系语言与文化研究中心与知识产权出版社联合推出,同时又是中国知网,电子网络期刊,ISSN:1671-6787CN:11-9251G。论丛本着宁缺毋滥、少而精的原则,对稿件进行严格的三审制度。第五辑共收录了全国各地高校教师和研究者的40余篇优秀稿件,内容涉及语言研究、教育教学研究、文学研究、翻译研究和文化研究等领域,体现出了广大高校教师和研究者们对语言、语言教学、文学、翻译、文化等理论和实践的认真思考和探索,体现了他们的学术水准、理论水平和业务素养。 本辑所收录的论文体现了研究范围广泛、研究方法灵活、研究内容多样化的特点;充分展示了外语教学与研究领域学术气氛的活跃和新时期外语教育事业的繁荣。本辑论文既有语言、文学、文化与翻译理论前沿的最新报告,又有对外语各层次教学改革的思考,教学方法的探讨,也有日趋成熟的基于数据的实证性研究。研究内容充分反映出了近20年来外语教学——领域的发展趋势和热点:教法和学法的探讨仍然热烈;外语与其他学科门类的结合性研究给研究者增添了新的动力;网络教学的探讨和思考反映了新时期外语教与学的特点,体现了外语教师与时俱进的精神风貌。这些研究将极大地促进和指导教学实践。 胡文仲先生说过,教师在教学过程中应该做有心人,经常思考问题,收集数据,分析研究,做一个既教学又研究的全面人才。北京物资学院外语系语言与文化中心的宗旨就是激发和提高外语教师的科研意识与科研能力,从而为高校外语教学与研究作出贡献,推动外语课程改革和学生英语综合应用能力的培养及提高。这也是我们定期出版外语教育教学与研究论文的目的。《语言与文化研究》论丛将努力做成纸制定期出版发行的期刊,成为广大研究者发表自己独特见解的一方论坛,在语言与文化研究领域占有一席之地。 本辑中北京物资学院外语系教师所发文章得到了北京物资学院科研基地项目的资助。 由编者水平有限,疏漏在所难免,欢迎各界人士予以指正,欢迎广大从事语言与文化教学的教师和研究者不吝赐稿。
语言研究英语主述位结构与汉语话题结构的对比(刘建华)1认知能力与语法(王丽军)5基于语料库的“admit”的对比研究(李政文)10Principles Of Language Learning Activity Design Based On Constructivism(于玉星)15On Hans Marchands Analysis Of Word-formation(Liu Shasha)21A Brief Study of Concord in English(贾桂珍罗宁霞陈香)27Cooperative Principle and English Humorous Utterance(Xu Fang)36A Brief Review of Pragmatics:An introduction(Huang Shuang)41外语教育基于网络的语言学习发展历程概述(王瑜)46大学英语教学中汉译英错误分析:语用负迁移(鹿学军)51浅析中国高校英语考试中的问题(黄明)56布鲁纳认知发现理论在综合英语教学中的应用(郭民)60大学英语口语教学设计与测试评估探索(金成珠)64大学生英语习作评改新模式——自我评估与同伴互评(孟秀玲窦琴)68大学生情感因素对英语自主学习的影响(王伟)72提高大学英语试卷信度和效度之我见(徐琳粱孟华)76大学英语教学评估改革初探(蒋春丽王立新)80非英语专业学生英语自主学习能力的培养(吴丹金成珠)84Evaluate and Suggest Evidence fOr the Relationship between Attainment and Learner Variables(JiaYing)88如何提高英语课堂教学的实效性(贺翠玉)97Word Recognitionin Second Language Listening Comprehension(Huang Shuang)102普通高等院校经济管理类课程双语教学的探讨(田丽)107Practice Outputin College Language Classroom(ZhangYan)111Effective Language Teachingin Large Classes(ZhangLili)115高校英语教学中的文化教学(张娜)119Strategies On Enhancing Learners Intrinsic Motivation in Foreign Language Learning in the Context of Chinas University(He Qibin)123文学研究奇幻小说《坟场之书》之成长主题分析(于海洋)129《小飞侠》的童话逻辑(张慧爽)134Aristotelian Wordsworth(Zheng Rong)138The Loss Of“Belle Reve”-Tennessee Williamss Creation Of Southern Belles(Ma Zhuo Qu Nannan)144狼图腾——《狼群中的朱莉》中的狼意象(王倩贾丝玉)148莫里森笔下弱小黑人女性的叛逆声音(翁珲珲)152《温柔的手》中外祖父川可的形象分析及其教育意义(邢丽娜)156翻译研究试论高职非英语专业翻译译教学的实用性(赵珍芳)161从文学翻译的层次说解读《天演沦》(李群)166从语域的角度看广告语篇的对等(刘艳)170The Analysis On Translation Of Commercial Terms with Chinese Characteristics (WangRu)175教材研究基于语料库的《物流专业英语教程》的编写(吴尚义顾越)179文化研究电影叙事的真实性研究(王红进)182从电影《租期》探析中西文化中解决家庭矛盾的方式(陈跃)186唐朝诗赋与茶文化(王红进)190Cross-cultural Communicative Competence Training in Maritime Spoken English Teaching(Lu Xuejun)193Intense Souci dIdentite Nationalede la France(Zhang Chunying)198
Construetivism is the further development of this cognitive theory,which studies the process andthe factors of the internalization of objective world into the inner cognition of learners and their implica-tions to learning——how to structuralize the objective knowledge system into one cognitive mechanism.On the basis of the study results and theories put forward by psychologists,constructivists believe thatthe world objectively exists,while how to understand and explain the world varies according to indivi-dual experience and inner cognition.Thus they focus their study on how to activate and optimize lear‘ning by basing it on individual learners’experience.belief and psychological structure.There are fourbasic principles of constructive learning theory. First,constructivism puts conceptual construction as the basis of learning.Conceptual construction refers to the gradual formation of learnersconcepts of the category,quality and relevance of ac-tual objects.What is learnt is not what the teachers teach,but what learners generate in the process ofconstructing concepts about the objective world.“……学习的质量是学习者建构语言意义能力的函数,而不是学习者重现教师思维过程的能力”(何克抗,2001:67)。Learners generate this un。derstanding through cooperation,negotiation and conversation in authentic social situations-Thus in constructive theory situation,cooperation,conversation and conceptual construction form the four basic elements of learning. Second,constructivists believe that learning is a psychological mechanism developing process in which both structural knowledge and non-structural experience are involved.In this process systema-tic knowledge input is infused with non——structural experience and feelings in subjective inner cogni-tion through logical thinking.A good illusafion would be the learning of idioms in foreign language.Without the actual life experience a learner would find it very difficult to understand those idioms,which have been derived from life through generations(Campell&Kryszewska,1998). Third.according to cognitive flexibility theory,a branch of eonstructivism,knowledge construetion involves a dual process:the absorption of new information input and the modification of existing cognitive mechanism.The construction is not a simple process of addition or completion.It is more a generating and infusing process.And what is constructed would be more than and even different from mere accumulation of new information and old knowledge. Fourth,there are individual differences in experience and cognition so what is constructed will va-ry with different learners.Take the tenses in language learning as an example.The difference between past tense and past perfect tense is input as part of a structural system by teachers in classroom.While the understanding and actual application of these two tenses vary greatly with learners.One might saythat I have finished my homework while the other might say I finished.The difference becomes vaguein actual use because of individual differences in experience and understanding of time and the quality 0f things.But at the same time this individual variety in understanding would add to learnerscreativity and compulsion through cooperation and conversation and thus bring all to an even higher level of understanding(Widdowson,1999).