chapter 1 crystal structures and interatomic forces
1.1 introduction
1.2 the crystalline state
1.3 basic definitions
1.4 the fourteen bravais lattices and the seven crystal
1.5 elements of symmetry
1.6 nomenclature of crystal directions and crystal planes; miller
1.7 examples of simple crystal structures
1.8 amorphous solids and liquids
1.9 interatomic forces
1.10 types of bonding
chapter 2 x-ray, neutron, and electron diffraction in
2.1 introduction
2.2 generation and absorption of x-rays
2.3 bragg's law
2.4 scattering from an atom
2.5 scattering from a crystal
2.6 the reciprocal lattice and x-ray diffraction
2.7 the diffraction condition and bragg's law
2.8 scattering from liquids
2.9 experimental techniques
2.10 other x-ray applications in solid-state physics
2.11 neutron diffraction
2.12 electron diffraction
chapter 3 lattice vibrations: thermal, acoustic, and optical
3.1 introduction
3.2 elastic waves
3.3 enumeration of modes; density of states of a continuous
3.4 specific heat: models of einstein and debye
3.5 the phonon
3.6 lattice waves
3.7 density of states of a lattice
3.8 specific heat: exact theory
3.9 thermal conductivity
3.10 scattering of x-rays, neutrons, and light by phonons
3.11 microwave ultrasonics
3.12 lattice optical properties in the infrared
chapter 4 metals i: the free. electron model
4.1 introduction
4.2 conduction electrons
4.3 the free-electron gas
4.4 electrical conductivity
4.5 electrical resistivity versus temperature
4.6 heat capacity of conduction electrons
4.7 the fermi surface
4.8 electrical conductivity; effects of the fermi surface
4.9 thermal conductivity in metals
4.10 motion in a magnetic field: cyclotron resonance and the hall
4.11 the ac conductivity and optical properties
4.12 thermionic emission
4.13 failure of the free-electron model
chapter 5 metals il: energy bands in solids
5.1 introduction
5.2 energy spectra in atoms, molecules, and solids
5.3 energy bands in solids; the bloch theorem
5.4 band symmetry in k-space; brillouin zones
5.5 number of states in the band
5.6 the nearly-free-electron model
5.7 the energy gap and the bragg reflection
5.8 the tight-binding model
5.9 calculations of energy bands
5.10 metals, insulators, and semiconductors
5.11 density of states
5.12 the fermi surface
5.13 velocity of the bloch electron
5.14 electron dynamics in an electric field
5.15 the dynamical effective mass
5.16 momentum, crystal momentum, and physical origin of the
effective mass
5.17 the hole
5.18 electrical conductivity
5.19 electron dynamics in a magnetic field: cyclotron resonance
and the hall effect
5.20 experimental methods in determination of band structure
5.21 limit of the band theory; metal-insulator transition
chapter 6 semiconductors i: theory
6.1 introduction
6.2 crystal structure and bonding
6.3 band structure
6.4 carrier concentration; intrinsic semiconductors
6.5 impurity states
6.6 semiconductor statistics
6.7 electrical conductivity; mobility
6.8 magnetic field effects: cyclotron resonance and hall
6.9 band structure of real semiconductors
6.10 high electric field and hot electrons
6.11 the gunn effect
6.12 optical properties: absorption processes
6.13 photoconductivity
6.14 luminescence
6.15 other optical effects
6.16 sound-wave amplification (acoustoelectric effect)
6.17 diffusion
chapter 7 semiconductors ii: devices
7.1 introduction
7.2 the p-n junction: the rectifier
7.3 the p-n junction: the junction itself
7.4 the junction transistor
7.5 the tunnel diode
7.6 the gunn diode
7.7 the semiconductor laser
7.8 the field-effect transistor, the semiconductor lamp, and other
7.9 integrated circuits and microelectronics
chapter 8 dielectric and optical properties of solids
8.1 introduction
8.2 review of basic formulas
8.3 the dielectric constant and polarizability; the local
8.4 sources of polarizability
8.5 dipolar polarizability
8.6 dipolar dispersion
8.7 dipolar polarization in solids
8.8 ionic polarizability
8.9 electronic polarizability
8.10 piezoelectricity
8.11 ferroelectricity
chapter 9 magnetism and magnetic resonances
9.1 introductio
9.2 review of basic formulas
9.3 magnetic susceptibility
9.4 classification of materials
9.5 langevin diamagnetism
9.6 paramagnetism
9.7 magnetism in metals
9.8 ferromagnetism in insulators
9.9 antiferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism
9.10 ferromagnetism in metals
9.11 ferromagnetic domains
9.12 paramagnetic resonance; the maser
9.13 nuclear magnetic resonance
9.14 ferromagnetic resonance; spin waves
chapter 10 superconductivity
10.1 introduction
10.2 zero resistance
10.3 perfect diamagnetism, or the meissner effect
10.4 the critical field
10.5 thermodynamics of the superconducting transition
10.6 electrodynamics of superconductors
10.7 theory of superconductivity
10.8 tunneling and the josephson effect
10.9 miscellaneous topics
chapter 11 topics in metallurgy and defects in solids
11.1 introduction
11.2 types of imperfections
11.3 vacancies
11.4 diffusion
11.5 metallic alloys
11.6 dislocations and the mechanical strength of metals
11.7 lonic conductivity
11.8 the photographic process
11.9 radiation damage in solids
chapter 12 materials and solid-state chemistry
12.1 introduction
12.2 amorphous semiconductors
12.3 liquid crystals
12.4 polymers
12.5 nuclear magnetic resonance in chemistry
12.6 electron spin resonance in chemistry
12.7 chemical applications of the msssbauer effect
chapter 13 solid.state biophysics
13.1 introduction
13.2 biological applications of delocalization in molecules
13.3 nucleic acids
13.4 proteins
13.5 miscellaneous topics
appendix elements of quantum mechanics
a.1 basic concepts
a.2 the schrsdinger equation
a.3 one-dimensional examples
a.4 the angular momentum
a.5 the hydrogen atom; multielectron atoms; periodic table of the
a.6 perturbation theory
a.7 the hydrogen molecule and the covalent bond
a.8 directed bonds