戴尔·卡耐基(Dale Carnegie,1888年11月24日-1955年11月1日),被誉为是20世纪最伟大的心灵导师和成功学大师,美国现代成人教育之父,20世纪最伟大的心灵导师,美国著名的人际关系学大师,西方现代人际关系教育的奠基人。美国人戴尔·卡耐基利用大量普通人不断努力取得成功的故事,通过演讲和书唤起无数陷入迷惘者的斗志,激励他们取得辉煌的成功。其在1936年出版的著作《人性的弱点》,70年来始终被西方世界视为社交技巧的圣经之一。他并在1912年创立卡内基训练,以教导人们人际沟通及处理压力的技巧。
Sixteen Ways in Which This Book will Help YouPrefac eHow This Book Was Written-and Why Part OneFundamentalFacts You Should Know about Worry1 Livein“Day-tight Compartments”2 AMagic Formula for Solving Worry Situations3 What Worry May Do to YouPart TwoBasic Techniques in Analysing Worry4 How to Analyse and Solve Worry Problems5 How to Eliminate Fifiy Per Cent of Your Busmess WorriesPart ThreeHow to Break the Worry Habit BeforeIt Breaks You6 How to Crowd Worry out of your Mind7 Don’t Let the Beetles Get You DownA Law That Will Outlaw Many of Your WorriesContents9 Co-operate with thelnevitable10 Put a “Stop-Loss” Order on Your Worries11 Don’t Try to Saw SawdustPart FourSeven Ways to Cultivate A Mental AttitudeThat wring Bring You Peace and Happiness12 Eight Words That Can Transform Your Life13 The Ifgh Cost of Getting Even14 If You Do This, You will Never Worry About Ingratiude15 Would You Take a Mflhon Dollars for What You Have?16 Fmd Yourself and Be Yourself: Remember There Is NoOne Else on Earth Like You 17 If You Have a Lemon, Make a Lemonade18 How to Cure Melancholy in Fourteen DaysPart FiveThe Golden Rule for Conquering Worry19 How My Mother and Father Conquered Worry Part SixHow to Keep from Worrymg about Cnticism20 Remember That No One Ever Kicks a Dead Dog21 Do Ihis-and Criticism Can‘t hurt You22 FoolThings I Have Done……Part SevenSix Ways to Prevart Fatigue and Worry and Keqp Your Energy and Spirits HighPart EightHow to Find the Kind of Work in Which You May Be Happy and SuccessfulPart NineHow to Lessen Your FinancialWorries Part Ten"How I Conquered Worry"-32 True Stories
But she refused to be pitied, refused to be considered “ different”,As a child, she wanted to play hopscotch with other children, but she couldn‘t see the markings. So after the other cluldren had gone home, she got down on the ground and crawled along with her eyes near to the marks. She memorised every bit of the ground where she and her friends played and soon became an expert at running games. She did her reading at home, holding a book of large print so close to her eyes that her eyelashes brushed the pages. She earned two college degrees: an A B. from the University of Minnesota and a Master of Arts from Columbia Uruversity。 She started teachmg in the tiny village of Twm Valley, Minnesota, and rose until she became professor ofjournalism and literature at Augustana College in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. She taught there for thirteen years,lecturing before women’s clubs and giving radio talks about books and authors. “In the back of my mind,”she writes,“there had always lurked a fear of total blindness. In order to overcome this, I had adopted a cheerful,almost hilarious, attitude towards life。” ……