《WTO法律制度:以案说法(1)》作为世界上成员最多的国际经济组织,世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization,WTO)成立17年来对世界经济的发展的作用是有目共睹的。WTO法律制度作为一类独特的国际法律制度,自WTO成立以来就受到广泛关注,相关的专著、论文不胜枚举。本教材选择WTO争端解决机构的专家组/上诉机构报告,通过这些报告来了解WTO基本原则和实践。WTO争端解决机制专家组/上诉机构报告是研究WTO各项规定最好的资料。但专家组和上诉机构报告的篇幅都很长,一般有150。500页,甚至长达1600多页,而且每一个案件通常涉及多个法律问题,要全文阅读理解,对大学本科同学有一定困难。 编写者根据多年的研究及教学经验,对专家组和/或上诉机构报告作了删节,每一个报告只保留对一个法律问题的分析内容,而以中文对案件所涉及的措施作概要介绍,以便于学生阅读理解。
朱榄叶,毕业于复旦大学国际政治系,获法学学士学位。现任华东政法大学国际法学院教授、博士研究生导师,从事国际经济法和知识产权法的教学和研究。曾以访问学者的身份分别在美国哥伦比亚大学法学院和哈佛大学法学院进修。 作为客座教授在美国、比利时、荷兰、澳大利亚、新加坡和中国香港地区等多所大学法学院讲授比较知识产权法、中国司法制度和经济法、国际贸易公法等课程。 发表《WTO国际贸易纠纷案例评析》系列著作等十余部、论文三十余篇。 担任中国国际经济法学会副会长、中国国际法学会常务理事、中国法学会WTO研究会副会长。经中国政府推荐,2004年被WTO争端解决机构(DSB)批准列入争端解决专家名单。
第一部分 最惠国待遇简介加拿大影响汽车工业的某些措施Canada-Certain Measures Affecting the Automotive Industry欧共体关税优惠Ellropean Communities-ConditionsfortheOanting ofTariffPreferencestoDeveloping CountriesQuestions第二部分 国民待遇简介美国汽油United States.Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline日本酒税Japan-Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages韩国涉及牛肉的各种措施Korea-Measures Affecting Imports ofFresh,Chilled and Frozen Beef 多米尼加香烟Dominican Republic-Measures Affecting the Importation and Internal Sate of Cigarettesl Questions第三部分 GATT一般例外简介美国汽油United States-Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline美国海虾United States-Import Prohibition ofCertain Shrimpand Shrimp Products韩国涉及牛肉的各种措施 Korea-Measures Affecting Imports ofFresh,Chilled andFrozen Beef多米尼加香烟Dominican Republic-Measures Affecting the Importation and Internal Sale of Cigarettes巴西轮胎Brazil-Measures Affecting Imports of Retreaded TyresQuestions
4.The Panel proceeded to examine this issue in the light of the ordinary meaning of the term "like". It noted that the word can mean "similar" ,or "identical". The Panel then examined the practice of the Contracting Parties under the General Agreement. This practice was relevant since article 31 of the Vienna Convention directs that " subsequent practice in the application of the treaty which establishes the agreement of the parties regarding its interpretation" is also to be considered in the interpretation of a treaty. The Panel noted that various criteria for the determination of like products under Article III had previously been applied by panels. These were summarized in the 1970 Working Party Report on Border Tax Adjustments, which had observed:With regard to the in ten?retation of the term "like or similar products", which occurs some sixteen times throughout the General Agreement,it was recalled that considerable discussion had taken.place but that no further improvement of the term had been achieved. ……
首先,一如既往地作为课本相当地贵T^T 不过内容还是很赞的,重点突出,对于入门比较管用
本想买本WTO的入门书,谁知买了本高阶的,内容全是wto panal的意见,且为英文,实在没时间看了。