快捷英语周周练 阅读理解 高一上 第2版
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阅读指导WEEK ONE Passage1 美CBC航空公司遭抱怨 Passage2 美国的音乐 Passage3 如何火里逃生 Passage4 基因技术的应用 Passage5 夏时制WEEK TWO Passage6 黑花罕见的原因 Passage7 睡姿揭秘性格 Passage8 女性地位的改变| Passage9 交换生 Passage10 守门员眼中的泪花 Passage11 摄像机中的大鱿鱼 Passage12 钻石 Passage13 幸福的一家 Passage14 现代广告 Passage15 肥胖的原因WEEK FOUR Passage16 给父母的一封信 Passage17 狗的嗅觉可感知癌症 Passage18 改变单词拼写,加快抄写速度 Passage19 职场中的女性 Passage20 英国商店WEEK FIVE Passage21 以画求爱 Passage22 调查报告 Passage 23 创业初期 Passage24 回报 Passage25 龟WEEK SIX Passage26 严重的错误 Passage27 美国人的时间观念 Passage28 眼睛会说话 Passage29 色盲 Passage30 新西兰的温泉WEEK SEVEN Passage31 世间的另一个自己 Passage32 药物使用说明 Passage33 比尔·盖茨 Passage 34 与年迈的父母生活在一起 Passage35 顾客须知WEEK ELGNT Passage36 火的利弊 Passage37 第一次做饭的尴尬 Passage38 美国黑人的历史 Passage39 员工与顾客 Passage40 智能电话卡WEEK NINE Passage41 欧文简介 Passage42 以色列五大区域._ Passage43 长途跋涉却一无所获 Passage44 职业运动员 Passage45 运动减肥WEEK TEN Passage46 独一无二的指纹 Passage47 阿拉法特的传奇经历 Passage48 透过科学读心理 Passage49 制作牛仔裤的始祖 Passage50 儒勒·凡尔纳的著作WEEK ELEVEN Passage51 体重与生活态度 Passage52 饮食与健康 Passage53 银行信贷发展史 Passage54 慈善家 Passage55 麦当娜出书WEEK TWELVE Passage56 白领·蓝领 Passage57 卖票被骗 Passage58 伦敦塔 Passage59 “我”是嫌疑犯? Passage60 犹他州拱门地质公园WEEK TNIRTEEN Passage61 《断背山》简讯 Passage62 交换生之体验 Passage63 社交常见礼仪 Passage64 故宫 Passage65 如何在假期保持体重WEEK ROURTEEN Passage66 别忘了把卡还给你妈妈 Passage67 向报刊求助 Passage68 信息指南 Passage69 匹兹堡大学的供热系统 Passage70 英国的酒吧文化WEEK FIFTEEN Passage71 剧院节目单 Passage72 食物的卡路里 Passage73 珠宝商受骗 Passage74 在美遭遇车祸后的体会 Passage75 吊床WEEK SIXTEEN Passage76 研发星际探索中的冬眠术 Passage77 为何女人比男人的寿命长 Passage78 感恩节 Passage79 美著名大学的发展历程 Passage80 堪培拉一瞥 答案与解析
Among all the fast growing science and technology,the research of human genes,or biological engineering as people call。it,is drawing more and more attention now.Sometimes it is a hot topic discussed by people. The greatest thing that gene(基因)technology can do is to cure serious diseases that doctors at presentcanalmostdonothingwith,suchas cancerandheartdisease.Everyyear,millions ofpeople aremurderedby-the-se-tw-o-k-ille-rs.And tO date,doctors have not found an effective way to cure them.But if the genetechnology is applied,:not only these tw。O diseases can be cured completely,bringing happiness and moreliving days to the patients,but also the great amount ofmoney people spend on curing their diseases can besaved,thereforeitbenefitsthe economyaswell.Inaddition,humanlife span(寿命)canbeprolonged. Gene technology Can help people to give birth to more healthy and clever children.Some families,with the English imperial family being a good example,have hereditary diseases.This means theirchildren will for sure have the family disease,which is a great trouble for these families.In the past,doctors could do nothing about hereditary diseases.But gene technology can solve this problemperfectly.The scientist just need to find the wrong gene and correct it,and a healthy child will be born. Some people are worrying that the gene research can be used to manufacture human beings inlarge quantities.In the past few years,scientists have succeeded in cloning a sheep;therefore thesepeople predict that human babies would soon be cloned.But I believe cloned babies will not come outin large quantities,for most couples in the world Can have babies in very normal way.Of course,thegovernments must take care to control gene technology.
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