王丰主 编
编者在专业英语课程的教学实践中发现,学生虽然经过了数年的英语学习,但是在专业英语的阅读、翻译和写作方面仍常常感到力不从心。如何在课程学时不断压缩的情况下,通过学习使学生的科技英语综合应用能力得到提高,从而增强学生在就业竞争中的优势,是编者多年来不断探索的一个问题。 本书是河北理工大学教改项目“机电方向学生科技英语能力培养的探索与研究”的成果之一,其编写目的在于使学生在学完大学英语以及专业基础课程后,通过专业英语课程的学习,熟悉科技英语的特点,扩大专业术语词汇量,掌握科技英语翻译与写作的方法与技巧,为将来在学业深造和专业工作中熟练地完成英语科技文献的阅读、翻译与英语科技论文的写作打下良好的基础。 本书由经过精心挑选的、能够反映机械电子工程基本专业内容的英语文章构成,所有文章均选自近10年来的英文原版著作、教材、学术期刊和科技资料。为了使学生能够熟悉不同类型的英语科技文献的特点、提高英语科技文献的阅读能力,本书所用素材既有选自外版著作的理论性文章,又有实用科技文体,如学术论文、期刊征文启事、科技产品说明书及产品样本、科技动态、科技广告及国际会议通知等。本书注重全方位地培养学生的科技英语综合应用能力,除了在课文注释部分结合课文具体地介绍翻译方法的运用外,教材还在第5篇系统地介绍了科技英语翻译方法、英文科技论文写作技巧、国际学术会议论文的投稿与写作,并附有机电工程专业英文学术论文选读等,具有很强的实用性。因此,本书除了用于机电工程和机械设计制造及自动化专业的本科生教学外,还可以成为相关专业工程技术人员专业英语自学读物。
本书分为机械制造技术篇、机械设计技术篇、机电一体化技术篇、应用科技文体篇、科技英语翻译与写作篇。前3篇为教材的主体内容,各有10课,每课由课文、关键术语、课文注释组成;第4篇共有8课,涉及多种实用科技文体,可作为阅读材料供学生自由选读;第5篇系统地介绍科技英语的特点、翻译的标准和过程、常用翻译方法与技巧,英语科技论文写作的基本方法和技巧、国际学术会议论文的投稿与写作、机电工程专业英语学术论文选读等。书后附有专业术语总表及科技英语中的常用词缀。 本书可作为高等院校机械电子工程和机械设计制造及自动化专业本科生专业英语教材,也可供相关专业的工程技术人员学习专业英语使用,对相关学科学生和技术人员英语论文写作也有所帮助。
PART Ⅰ Mechanical Manufacturing Technology(机械制造技术篇) Lesson 1 Manufacturing Processes Lesson 2 Engineering Propertie8 Lesson 3 Engineering Materials Lesson 4 Heat Treatment of Metals Lesson 5 Machine Tools Lesson 6 Computer Numerical Control of Machine Tools Lesson 7 Hot Working and Cold Working Lesson 8 Special Casting Processes Lesson 9 Computer—Integrated Manufacturing Lesson 10 Rapid——Prototyping OperationsPART Ⅱ Mechanical Design Technology(机械设计技术篇) Lesson 11 Tension Compression and Shear Lesson 12 Ball and Roller Bearings Lesson 13 Gear Types Lesson 14 Velocity Ratios for Gear Trains Lesson 15 Chain and Belt Drives Lesson 16 Keys and Couplings Lesson 17 Design Automation:CAD Lesson 18 Introduction to CAD/CAM Lesson 19 CAD/CAM Software Lesson 20 High——Level Design ProcedurePART Ⅲ Mechatronic Technology(机电一体化技术篇) Lesson 21 What’S Mechatronics? Lesson 22 Mechatronics Key Elements Lesson 23 Industrial Controllers and Control Actions Lesson 24 Programmable Logic Controllers Lesson 25 Sensors and Transducers Lesson 26 Temperature Measurement Lesson 27 Electrical Actuators Lesson 28 Hydraulics and Pneumatics Lesson 29 Piezoelectric Transducer and Actuator Lesson 30 Advanced Approaches in Mechatronics PART Ⅳ Application(应用科技文体篇) Lesson 31 The Trend to Dry Machining Broading Applications Lesson 32 Installing and Removing the FM353 Lesson 33 Melservo MRⅫJ2ⅫSuper Technical Catalogue Lesson 34 Guidelines for Getting Started with 32-Bit Microcontrollers Lesson 35 Company Profiles Lesson 36 Preface to“Mechatronics System Design” Lesson 37 About IEEE Control Systems Societv Lesson 38 Call for Papers:Journal of“Computer—Aided Design”PART Ⅴ Translating&Writing(科技英语翻译与写作篇) Unit 1 科技英语的特点 Unit 2 科技英语翻译的标准和过程 Unit 3 科技英语常用翻译方法与技巧 Unit 4 科技英语中被动语态的翻译处理 Unit 5 科技英语中长句的翻译处理 Unit 6 定语从句的翻译处理 Unit 7 科技论文的特征及其结构 Unit 8 英语科技论文写作 Unit 9 国际学术会议论文的投稿与写作 Unit 10 机电工程专业英语科技论文选读Appendix A List of Terminologies(专业术语总表)Appendix B Common Affixes(科技英语常用词缀)References
a very fundamental subject since it is of interest not onlyto mechanical engineers but also to those from practically every discipline of engineering. Forvarious products such as plant machinery required for chemical, civil, electrical, electronic ortextile industries, the manufacturing process forms a vital ingredient. A detailed understanding of the manufacturing processes is thus essential for everyengineer.This helps him appreciate the capabilities, advantages and also the limitations ofthe process. This in turn helps in the proper design of any product required from him.Firstly he would be able to assess the feasibility of manufacturing from his designs. He mayalso find that there is more than one process available for manufacturing a particular productand he can make a proper choice of the process which would require the lowest manufacturingcost and would deliver the product of desired quality. He may also modify his design slightlyto suit the particular manufacturing process he chooses. There are a large number of processes available for manufacture to the engineer. Theseprocesses can be broadly classified into four categories.
机械制造技术 机械设计技术 机电一体化技术 应用科技文体 科技英语翻译与写作