(波)辛尼阿斯卡,(波)沃兰斯基 主编
China won the right to host the 16th
IUAES World Congress in July, 2003. After six years of preparation,
the Congress will be held in Kunming, China during July 27-31,
2009. The International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological
Sciences (IUAES) was established on August 23, 1948, when it
merged, in fact, with the International Congress of Anthropological
and Ethnological Sciences (ICAES), which was founded in 1934. The
latter was the product of various Congresses of Anthropological
Sciences, starting in 1865.
编者:(波兰)安娜·辛尼阿斯卡(Anna Siniarska) (波兰)拿破仑·沃兰斯基(Wolanski.N.) 丛书主编:黄忠彩
Prelude Quo Vadis Homo Sapientissime? Tradisciplinary Pepectives of
Human Ecology
Part A Rate of growth: occasional or cyclical (oscillatory)
1. Does a Child Grow at Night, at Leisure or is it Effect of
Physical Movements? More Questio than Awe
2. Growth measured at short-term intervals in infants, school
children and adolescent girls
3. Monthly Changes in Pubertal Growth in Yucatecan Adolescents
Living in Tropical Climate
4. The complexities of the growth process
5. Jump preserving filte for short-term growth data
Part B Month of birth effect on human growth and development
1. Month of Birth Effect on Body Height and Weight in Children
Examined on Their Birthdays
2. Month of Birth Effect on Body Mass and Length of Waaw Newbor and
on Weight and Height of Waaw Schoolgirls
3. Seasonal Variatio in Birth Weight and Length in a Middle Eastern
4. Are Birth Weight and Gestational age Affected by Season of birth
and Mother's Origin? The Case of Spain (1996~2007)
5. Seasonal Changes of Body Mass Composition in Russian Students
6. Biological rhythms of births and deaths among the local
population of Opole city, Poland
7. Month of birth and longevity
Part C Sexual dimorphism as an expression of livingconditio and
style of life
1. Sexual Dimorphism in Generalised, Subcutaneous and Central
Adiposity in Relation to Blood Pressure Among the Adult Mising
Tribal Population of Assam, North-East India
2. Sexual stature dimorphism in Homo sapie: an evolutionary respoe
to gender inequality order?
3. Decline in sex ratio at birth in Poland as a respoe to
socioeconomic stress-true or false?
4. Sexual dimorphism in some birth outcomes of Waaw neonates and
family conditio
5. Gender Divisio-A Case Study of Liangshan Yi people
版权页:插图:There were many studies looking for mechanisms causing aging and longevity. Animportant and unexpected finding revealed that month of birth can be an indicator of lifeduration in adult women (after thirties). Calendar year of birth, month of birth and manyother variables were used to predict life expectancy of parents, their age at child birth,nationality, early death of mothers (before twenties) or death of both parents. Finally it wasmonth of birth which appeared to be the most important factor. The present analysis whichtook into account month of birth of Polish women, inhabiting towns and villages, provedearlier results showing that most of women with the longest life span were born in thesecond and forth quarter of a year. The question arises as to the cause of this effect. Doesmonth of birth have a real effect on longevity? It may indicate the critical periods in thepre-and postnatal development, e.g. deficiency in a vitamin supply. The results of otherstudies show that deficiency of folio acid, naicin and vitamins B12, B6, C or E may causedamages in DNA, leading to single or double-stranded gaps in it, oxidation defects or both.This, in turn, may cause earlier processes of aging. The deficiency of vitamins related to theseason of a year, e.g.: late winter or early spring together with the first or the second criticalperiod in child's development (the first trimester of pregnancy and the first three monthsafter birth) may explain the long life span of women born in February and August. Therelation between seasonal@ of birth and longevity confirms the aging theory emphasizingthe impact of earlier defects on human life span.