

Florian Coulmas 外语教学与研究出版社





Florian Coulmas  






作者以“说话者的选择”为切入视角和主题来解释语言变异,探究描述和解释语言选择的规律以及影响选择的社会因素。在讨论社会语言学各个具体研究课题时,从不同的学科背景和文化角度提供了许多新的观点和例证,为读者呈现了较为宽阔的视角。 本书语言表述清楚、规范,行文风格简洁、干练,可作为社会语言学的教科书使用。


1 Introduction: notions of languagePart I Micro-choices 2 Standard and dialect: social stratification as a factor of linguistic choice Questions for discussion 3 Gendered speech: sex as a factor of linguistic choice Questions for discussion 4 Communicating across generations: age as a factor of linguistic choice Questions for discussion 5 Choice and change Questions for discussion 6 Politeness: cultural dimensions of linguistic choice Questions for discussionPart II Macro-choices 7 Code-switching: linguistic choices across language boundaries Questions for discussion 8 Diglossia and bilingualism: functional restrictions on language choice Questions for discussion 9 Language spread, shift and maintenance: how groups choose their language Questions for discussion 10 Language and identity: individual, social, national Questions for discussion 11 Language planning: communication demands, public choice, utility Questions for discussion 12 Select letters: a major divide Questions for discussion 13 The language of choice Questions for discussionGlossary of termsReferencesInternet resourcesIndex


  As human beings we are able to change our behaviour. The ideathat we act as free agents is fundamental to our self-conception. Everyword we say reinforces this conviction, for whenever we speak we makechoices. The ability to consider alternatives and opt for one is basic tointelligent life. It is restricted by our physical nature, the many things wecannot choose, such as the colour of our eyes, our IQ, or whether we arebeautiful or ugly. All this may change soon, as the human species getsready to do with itself what it has done with other species for a long time:interfere with natures course, select, breed, grow and artificially manipu-late their genetic makeup. The life sciences have made spectacular progressover the past several decades, constantly expanding the realm of culture -that which we control - at the expense of nature - that which controls us.No longer confined to science fiction novels, anthropotechnology hascrossed the threshold into the real world and become a vital concern oflegislation, the paradigm of deliberate regulation of behaviour, The pro-spects are tempting. Before long, we are told, we will be able to safeguardour offspring against congenital diseases, if not secure immortality forourselves, At the same time, we are confronted with new challenges, whichwill be a lot more serious than how to retrain all those undertakers. We willhave to decide whether to go down every pathway science opens up or toerect occasional warning signs, STOP HERE, at critical junctures. Inshort, at the present time, we are forced to rethink our place in the universe,the confines of nature and our own nature.





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