

项东 外语教学与研究出版社













Unit 1 Media
 Text 1 Is Google Making Us Stupid:What the Internet Is Doing to
Our Brains?
 Text 2 The Age of Show Business
 Text 3 Make the News Comprehensive and Proportional
Unit 2 Culture and Communication
 Text 1 Key Concepts:Underlying Structures of Culture
 Text 2 The Language of Discretion
 Text 3 Social Talk
Unit 3 Success and Emotional Intelligence
 Text 1 Exploring Emotional Intelligence
 Text 2 The SocialArts
 Text 3 Inside—Out
Unit 4 Love and Fam-ly
 Text 1 Theoretical Perspectives on the Family and Intimate
 Text 2 MarryHim:The Case for Settling for Mr.Good Enough
 Text 3 The Art of Loving
Unit 5 Class
 Text 1 Stratification and Class
 Text 2 An Anatomy of the Classes
 Text 3 SuchGoodTaste
Unit 6 Principles of Economics
 Text 1 Principles of Economics
 Text 2 The Substance of Economics
 Text 3 Why Do We Cheat?
Unit 7 Ethics and Wealth
 Text 1 Practical Ethics—Rich and Poor
 Text 2 The Soul of Man Under Socialism
 Text 3 The Philosopher and the Conqueror
Unit 8 Art
 Text 1 The Cooperating Beginner
 Text 2 The Artistic Life
 Text 3 Chinese Painting
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  These arguments are not only heard in Europe and the United States. Changes affecting the personal and emotional spheres go far beyond the borders of any particular country. We find the same issues almost everywhere, differing only in degree and according to the cultural context in which they take place. In China, for example, the state is considering making divorce more difficult to obtain. In the late 1960s, very liberal marriage laws were passed. Marriage is a working contract that can be dissolved "when husband and wife both desire it" Even if one partner objects, divorce can be granted when "mutual affection" has gone from the marriage. Only a two-week wait is required,after which the two pay a few pounds and are henceforth independent. The Chinese divorce rate is still low compared with Western countries, but it is rising rapidly-as is,true in the other developing Asian soaeties. In Chinese cities, not only divorce, but also cohabitation is becoming more frequent. In the vast Chinese countryside, by contrast, everything is different. Marriage and the family are much more traditional-in spite of the offiaal policy oflimiting childbirth through a mixture ofincentives and punishment. Marriage is an arrangement between two families, fixed by the parents rather than the individuals concerned. A recent study in the province of Gansu, which has only a low level of economic development, found that 60 per cent of marriages are still arranged by parents.As a Chinese saying has it: "Meet once, nod your head and marry." There is a twist in the story in modernizing China. Many of those currently divorcing in the urban centres were married in the traditional manner in the country.  In China, there is much talk of protecting the "traditional" family In many Western countries, the debate is even more intense and divisive. Defenders of the traditional family form argue that the emphasis on relationships comes at the expense of the family as a basic institution of society. Many of these critics now speak of the breakdown of the family If such a breakdown is occurring, it is extremely significant, The family is the meeting point of a range of trends affecting society as a whole-increasing equality between the sexes,the widespread entry of women into the labour force, changes in sexual behaviour and expectations, the changing relationship between home and work. Among all the changes going on today, none is more important than those happening in our personal lives-in sexuality, emotional life, marriage and the family. There is a global revolution going on in how we think of ourselves and how we form ties and connections with others. It is a revolution advancing unevenly in different parts of the world, with much resistance.  ……





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