田翠香 编
chapter 1 fundamentals of financial reporting
1.1 basic knowledge
1.1.1 financial reporting and financial statements
1.1.2 sec's disclosure system
1.1.3 the financial statements
1.1.4 double-entry system and accounting cycle
1.1.5 principles of recognition and measurement in the
1.2 practice training
1.2. 1 questions
1.2.2 choices
1.2.3 problems
1.2.4 answers and solutions
chapter 2 basics of financial analysis
2. 1 basic knowledge
2. 1.1 steps of financial statement analysis
2. 1.2 users of financial analysis
2. 1.3 common-size analysis
2. 1.4 ratio analysis
2. 2 practice training
2. 2. 1 questions
2.2. 2 true (t) or false (f)
2.2.3 choices
2.2.4 problems
2.2.5 answers and solutions
chapter 3 liquidity and short-term debt-paying ability
3.1 basic knowledge
3.1.1 the importance of liquidity
3.1.2 liquidity ratios
3.2 illustrations
3.3 practice training
3.3.1 questions
3.3.2 true (t) or false (f)
3.3.3 fill up the blanks
3.3.4 choices
3.3.5 problems
3.3.6 answers and solutions
chapter 4 long-term debt-paying ability
4. 1 basic knowledge
4. 1.1 the concepts of long-term debt-paying ability
4. 1.2 indications of long-term debt-paying ability
4. 2 practice training
4. 2. 1 questions
4.2.2 true (t) orfalse (f)
4. 2.3 choices
4. 2. 4 problems
4. 2. 5 answers and solutions
chapter 5 profitability analysis
5.1 basic knowledge
5.1. 1 the importance of profitability
5. 1.2 profitability measures
5.2 practice training
5.2. 1 questions
5.2. 2 true (t) or false (f)
5.2.3 choices
5.2.4 problems
5.2.5 answers and solutions
chapter 6 analysis for the investor
6. 1 basic knowledge
6. 1.1 the information need of investors
6. 1.2 investor-specific financial ratios
6. 2 practice training
6. 2. 1 questions
6. 2.2 read paragraphs and answer questions
6.2. 3 choices
6.2.4 problems
6. 2.5 answers and solutions
chapter 7 comprehensive analysis
7.1 basic knowledge
7. 1.1 overview of financial ratios
7. 1.2 warnings in analysis
7.2 practice training
7.2. 1 matching the descriptions with the financial ratios
7.2.2 problems
7.2.3 answers and solutions
appendix comprehensive case