There can be a temporary equi]ibrium over, say, a week, or an equilibrium over time. An equilibrium can be stationary, per- sisting for a long period if the forces governing demand and sup- ply are stable, as happens in traditional societies with no tech- nical progress. No change is expected and none occurs. An equilibrium can be static or dynamic. If static, the notion of time is excluded ; if dynamic, movement on an equilibrium path is considered. With the rise of modern macroeeonomies in the 1930s un- der Keynes and others, the equilibrium between aggregate de- mand and aggregate supply was investigated. As with microeeo- nomic analysis, in maeroeconomics 'scissors diagrams' show- ing an equilibrium at the intersection of the demand and supply curves expounded this idea. If seeking an equilibrium is regarded as important then the route to that goal has to be explained. There is an initial choice between price adjustments and quantity adjustments. Prices can be moved up and down until the equilibrium price which will clear the market is achieved. Quantities can be altered by chan- ges in the rate of production and in the use of accumulated stocks until there is neither excess demand nor excess supply. Reaching an equilibrium is not always achievable, as the cob- web theorem shows. Some markets remain in disequilibrium for a long time because of price rigidities. Much of the notion of equilibrium is associated with markets but there can be an equi- librium idea employed in central economic planning where the planners deliberately attempt a series of material balances. The stages of reaching or passing an equilibrium are akin to the pha- ses of an economic cycle. A shock can set a market or economy on a disequilibrium path until forces, including income chan- ges, bring it back to equilibrium. ……