《帮你学:小学英语阅读阶梯训练100篇(4年级)》要求中小学阶段加强英语阅读训练,培养学生的综合阅读能力,提高阅读速度,扩大词汇量,拓宽知识面,并且明确规定各年级的学生必须完成一定字数的英语课外阅读。 为配合教育部《英语课程标准》的实施,我们组织了一线的英语专家、全国优秀教师联合编写了本套《帮你学小学英语阅读阶梯训练100篇》丛书。 本书收录了100篇短小精悍的短文。这些短文涉及到政治、经济、文化、日常生活等各方面的内容。 丛书在内容编排上按照循序渐进的原则,图文并茂,语言宣观、形象、生动,贴近学生实际生活。短文配有专门设计的阶梯式训练,题型新颖,符合小学生的认知心理学要求,能极大地激发他们的求知欲,调动他们的学习兴趣,培养他们的自主学习能力。本书将引领小读者进入—个丰富多彩、有益实用的英语新世界。
1.Our Class2.My School Day3.To Be Good4.Lunch Time5.1'm Bob6.The Smith Family7.Daydream8.April Fool's Day9.Meals in Britain Homes10.Move the Bag17.A Hefpfuf Boy12.My Sister73.Do You Want Me to Telf a Lie?14.Mid-Autumn Day15.What Is My Job?16.Owls 17.A Lovely Present18.What Do You Do on-Weekends?19.Flying Foxes 20.How Can I Repay You21.I Love My Family22.Keep Healthy23.New Year's Coming24.We Love Animals25.ThanksgMng Day26.Birthday Presents27, A Movie Ticket28.An " Old Child"29.See a Doctor30, Days in a Week31.No Parking32.The Window Is Open33.The Snowman34.What Am l?35.Ships36.Pick Fruit37.The Sea38.1 Love Spring Best39.Say Goodbye40.The Park in Spring41.A Telephone Call42.A Letter to the Pen Pal43.My Dream44.Kelly's Day45.Teachefs Day46.Amy Brown's Invitation47.Self-introduce48.A Video49.Mend the Car50.A Football Fan51.Cats52.Different Weather53.Who Is the Shop Assistant?54.Hair and Beard55.My Best Friend56.Stars57.My Dad58.How to Borrow Books59.We Are Not in the Zoo60.1 Like Autumn61.Leave a Message62.Four Friends63.Our Classroom Building64.The Spring Festival65.Three Clever Pigs66.Watch TV67.Quarrel for a Comb68.A Lucky Seed69.Mother's Day70.Another Excuse77.Two Apple Trees72.The Forgetful Man73.Help Yourselves74.Visit the Zoo75.Music Fan76.By Sheep77.Menu78.Write in Return79.1 Like Playing Sports80.Have Breakfast in London81.A Lazy Boy82.1 Want to Be a Teacher83.My Little Dog84.The Weather in Beijing85.My Pet86.A Clever Parrot87.It Wasn't Their Car88.The Robot89.A Hungry Mouse90.An Orange and a Gold Cup97.Borrow Books92.Schools in America93.Kangaroos94.School Report95.Two Friends96.Who Rings the Doorbell?97.Take the Penguin to the Zoo98.Summer in My Hometown99.Ask About the Time100.Guess the Word参考答案