

中国历史文化名街评选推介组委会 编 中国历史文化名街评选推介组委会 中国青年出版社 (2012-06出版)



中国历史文化名街评选推介组委会 中国青年出版社 (2012-06出版)  


中国历史文化名街评选推介组委会 编  






福建省厦门市中山路 安徽省黄山市休宁县万安老街 西藏自治区江孜县加日郊老街 四川省泸州合江县尧坝古街 陕西省榆林市米脂古城老街 山东省青岛市小鱼山文化名人街区 江苏省南京市高淳县高淳老街 浙江省临海市紫阳街 吉林省长春市新民大街 广东省深圳市盐田区中英街 初评入围街道 广东省珠海市斗门旧街 贵州省黄平县旧州西上街 福建省福州市朱紫坊 安徽省绩溪县龙川水街 甘肃省宕昌县哈达铺上下老街 大事记 后记


版权页: 插图: Memorial Hall of Zheng Guangwen on the Beigu Hill at the northern end of Ziyang Street started to be built in the second year of Guangde Era in the Tang Dynasty (764 A.D.) in memory of Zheng Qian,who was the first to set up schools in Taizhou Prefecture. Wenmiao Temple,which stands next to the former site of Taizhou Governmental Office at the northernmost end of Ziyang Street,started to be constructed in the second year of Baoyuan Era in the Northern Song Dynasty (1039). Being the largest of its kind in Taizhou,this temple has enshrined a number of historic figures. Longxing Temple,known as the No. 1 Temple of Taizhou,is located at the southern end of Ziyang Street,at the foot of Jinzi Hill. In the Tang Dynasty,a monk from Longxing Temple had accompanied Jianzhen on his eastward journey to popularize Buddhist beliefs in Japan,while a Japanese monk also visited Longxing Temple,copying scriptures and lecturing on the followers. At his return to Japan,he established the Tiantai Sect of Japanese Buddhism. Therefore,this temple is the birthplace of this Japanese Buddhist sect and also a significant venue for the exchanges between Chinese and Japanese Buddhist cultures. Archways are erected every three hundred meters on the Ziyang Street. Their names are inscribed in forceful script on a horizontal board on top. All these names are related to folklores and legends among local residents. Most of them are associated with Ziyang God. For example,the Archway to Welcome the God,the Archway to Worship the God,the Archway to Gain Godhood are so named in memory of the Ziyang God. On the Ziyang Street,there are also Ziyang Bridge,Ziyang Archway,Ziyang Residence and Ziyang Palace. The nameboard which used to hang on the Ziyang Taoist Monastery was calligraphed by Emperor Yongzheng in the Qing Dynasty. The cornerstones for the archway at the southern gate of the Ziyang Palace still exist.






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