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Part Ⅰ The Magic of Fashion时尚的魔力Burberry:The Luxurious Check Pattem巴宝莉:奢侈的格子图案Prada:The Crunchy Designs普拉达:嘎嘎响的设计LV:The Binh of Modem Luxurv路易·威登:现代奢侈品牌的诞生Chaneh The Classic Woman香奈儿:优雅女性代名词D&G:Young Name in the Fashion Industry杜嘉班纳:时尚界新贵Gucci:One of the Top Labels in High Fashion古奇:高端时尚的标签Christian Dior:The Magic of Fashion克里斯汀·迪奥:时尚的魅力LOreal In The Interest Of Beauty欧莱雅:以美之名Rolex:The Most Prestigious Watches劳力士:最具声望的手表Part Ⅱ Wandering in E-Century徜徉E世纪GENERAL ELECTRIC通用电气The History of Microsoft微软简史Motorola:The Ups and Downs摩托罗拉:商海沉浮The Mission of Google谷歌的使命Nokia or Nokialand诺基亚:芬兰的支柱The Legend of Yahoo!雅虎的传奇Samsung:Digital Everyones Invited三星:数字世界,人人分享The Ongin of Sony索尼的由来Amazon:From an En Route Business Plan亚马逊:草就的商业计划书Philips:Sense and Simplicity飞利浦:精于心,简于形World of Apple苹果的世界Canon:Impossible Made Possible佳能:使不可能变为可能The HP Wav惠普之道111e Myth of eBayeBay的神话Walt Disney:It AIl Started With A Mouse沃尔特·迪斯尼:一切都源于一只老鼠Part Ⅲ Brands of Daily Life 身边的大牌Coca Cola:An International Symbol of Freedom可口可乐:自由的国际象征Starbucks:Wake Up and Smell the Coffee星巴克:让你在咖啡香中醒来Pepsi-Cola:The Drink for You百事可乐:总有一款适合你McDonalds McWorld麦当劳世界KFC:Finger LickinGood肯德基:吮指回味乐无穷Nestle:Tasters Choice雀巢:品味师的选择Pizza Hut:The Worlds Largest Pizza Company必胜客:全球最大的比萨饼公司The Low Cost Strategy of Wal-Mart沃尔玛的低价战略Adidas:Impossible IS Nothing阿迪达斯:一切皆有可能Nike:Play by the Rules耐克:按规则游戏P&G:Touching LivesImproving Life宝洁:感动生命,美化生活Marlboro:Come to Where the Flavour Is万宝路:带你光临风韵之境Part Ⅳ The Ultimate Driving Machine终极驾驭Audi History:Models and Brand Evolution奥迪模型与品牌的发展史Benz:Seeking the Ultimate in Luxurv奔驰:寻觅终极的奢华Hummer:Like Nothing Else悍马:独一无二Ferrari:A Genuine Legend法拉利:一个真实的传奇BMW:111e Ultimate Driving Machine宝马:终极驾驭Porsche:Making Vehicles 111at Raise The Bar保时捷:打造高性能跑车
desktop and portable Macintoshes forprofessional and consumer customers.Because of Jobss restorative efforts,Apple exited the 1990s as a pared-down version of its former self, but,importantly, a profitable companyonce again. Apples turnaround was confirmedin the first years of the 21st century, asthe company strode toward its 30thanniversary exuding an unprecedenteddegree of strength. At the heart of thecompanys surging growth was a digitalmusic player brandedas iPod.Introduced in late 2001, the iPodrepresented another example ofApples skill in designing an elegantand functional product. Succeedinggenerations of iPods hit the marketand scored resounding success, drivingthe companys financial growth.Between 2001 and 2005, thanksprimarily to the popularity of iPods,the companys sales nearly tripled,increasing from $5.3 billion to $13.9billion. Apple controlled more than 75percent of the $2.5 billion digital audioplayer market in the United States.