肖琪 编
根据2009年浙江省普通高校招生考试方案,从2009年开始,浙江省高考将恢复英语听力测试,使用全国公共英语等级考试(二级)听力试卷,一年提供两次考试机会,由学生自主决定参加考试的时间和次数。这一改革不仅体现了以学生为本的教育思想,同时更体现了对外语教学规律的尊重。 为使广大考生尽快适应此项改革,更加有效地提高英语听力和应试水平,我们按照全国公共英语等级考试(PuablicEnglish17estSystem,简称PETS)的考试原则和要求,组织专家编写了这套听力专项训练试题集,根据二级试题的题型、主要考查内容、常见的语言点和语用范围等,专门设计练习题,有的放矢地训练考生的听力和应试能力。该试题集的语料真实、语境丰富、难度适中、针对性强,是学生考前强化训练的极好材料。
《全国公共英语等级考试(2级):听力专项全真模拟试卷(第1辑)》根据2009年浙江省普通高校招生考试方案,从2009年开始,浙江省高考将恢复英语听力测试,使用全国公共英语等级考试(二级)听力试卷,一年提供两次考试机会,由学生自主决定参加考试的时间和次数。这一改革不仅体现了以学生为本的教育思想,同时更体现了对外语教学规律的尊重。 为使广大考生尽快适应此项改革,更加有效地提高英语听力和应试水平,我们按照全国公共英语等级考试(PuablicEnglish17estSystem,简称PETS)的考试原则和要求,组织专家编写了这套听力专项训练试题集,根据二级试题的题型、主要考查内容、常见的语言点和语用范围等,专门设计练习题,有的放矢地训练考生的听力和应试能力。该试题集的语料真实、语境丰富、难度适中、针对性强,是学生考前强化训练的极好材料。
听下面一段独白,回答第13至第16四个小题。现在,你有20秒钟的时间阅读这四个小题 (停顿00’20”) 哗—— (Text 9) Among all the sports,I like table tennis the best.I have learned to play basketball,football,tennis,badminton,etc.Yet,table tennis is the one that in the end wins my favor1f 1 want to play basketball,I need to invite at least a team of 6 or 10.And the same case is with football.What is more,we have to go to the court or field.You can’t play it with just two people,or in a place of just a few square meters.Badminton doesn’t have to invite many people,but you sometimes can’t play it because of the weather.You can’t play outdoors inrainy days,windy days and snowy days.Table tennis is free of such inconveniences.You onlyneed two players,and it can be played regardless of the weather,because usually we play it indoors.Probably that is one of the chief reasons why table tennis is popular among US in schools (停顿00’20”) (重复) (停顿顿00’20”) 哗—— 听下面一段对话,回答第17至第20四个小题。现在,你有20秒钟的时间阅读这四个小题。 (停顿00’20”) 哗—— (Text 10) W:How are you feeling now? M:Not too well yet.My ribs still hurt every time l breathe W:What about your leg? M:Actually,that doesn’t hurt too much any more W:Well,I’m glad you’re OK.How’d it happen anyway? M:Oh,1 was checking some work on the second storey and...well.somehow I slipped and fell.The next time 1 was in the hospital W:You’re lucky you weren’t killed M:Yeah,I know,but W:Have you talked to Mum and Dad yet? M:Mum called last night but I said nothing W:Better not to tell them.They’d have been worried (停顿00’02”)