沈言锦,周钢 著
本书是根据教育部“关于加强高职高专教育教材建设的若干意见”和高职高专模具专业教学大纲编写而成,从教学实际出发,力求专业培养的宽口径,具有良好的通用性、实用性和针对性。遵照高等职业教育的应用特性,教材内容力求通俗易懂,便于教学和自学。 本书共分7部分,分别讲述了模具材料、冲压模、塑料模、模具CAD/CAM、模具设备、模具的电加工、计算机数控等方面的专业英语知识。本书内容全面、精炼,选材新颖,难度适中,且每单元后都附有新单词和短语、重点和难点句子注释、练习题等内容。书后还附有常用的模具设计、制造方面的专业英语词汇和短语,供学生在学习和以后的工作中查询。本书在编排上力求突出实用性,具有以下几个特点: 1.每个单元的内容在编排上重点突出。各单元文章后有与之配套的阅读材料,可扩充相关领域的知识,满足英文功底较好的读者的需求。 2.阅读内容贴切实用,选取的单词专业性强,便于学生日后应用。 3.图文并茂,专业词汇用图形示意,便于学生理解和学习。 本书由沈言锦和周钢担任主编,阳娣莎、沈延秀、周健担任副主编,参加编写的老师还有张坤、刘海渔、刘海雄、林章辉、孟少明、陈进武、陈艳辉、陈建山、刘银平等,全书由湘潭大学苏旭平教授担任主审。 由于编者水平有限,书中难免有不足之处,恳请读者批评指正。
本书共分7部分,分别讲述了模具材料、冲压模、塑料模、模具CAD/CAM、模具设备、模具的电加工以及计算机数控等方面的专业英语知识。本书内容全面、精炼,选材新颖,难度适中,且每单元后都附有新单词和短语、重点和难点句子注释、练习题等内容。书后还附有常用的模具设计、制造方面的专业英语词汇和短语,供学生在学习和以后的工作中查询。 本书可作为高职高专模具没计与制造专业以及本科材料成型与控制专业的教材,也可以作为模具技术培训教材,还可以供从事模具设计、制造的技术人员和模具销售的外贸人员使用。
前言Part ⅠDie & Mold MaterialsUnit 1Text Properties of MetalsTranslating Skills科技英语翻译方法与技巧——省略法Reading Material Die Life and Die FailureUnit 2TextFerrous MetalsTranslating Skills科技英语翻译方法与技巧——词义的确定Reading Material Nonferrous MetalsUnit 3Text Heat Treatment of MetalsTranslating Skills科技英语翻译方法与技巧——词性的转换Reading Material Formation of AustenitePart Ⅱ Stamping DieUnit 1Text General Principles of ShearingTranslating Skills科技英语翻译方法与技巧——定语的翻译(一)后置定语Reading Material Method Used in Metal FormingUnit 2Text Dies for Piercing and Blanking OperationsTranslating Skills科技英语翻译方法与技巧——定语的翻译(二)定语从句Reading Material Factors for Tool DesignUnit 3Text BendingTranslating Skills科技英语翻译方法与技巧——被动语态Reading Material Fine BlankingPart Ⅲ Plastic MoldUnit 1Text Injection MoldTranslating Skills科技英语翻译方法与技巧——长句的翻译Reading Material Basic TerminologyUnit 2Text Understanding the Basics of the Injection MoldTranslating Skills科技英语翻译方法与技巧——词性的引伸Reading Material GeneralUnit 3Text Sprue Bush and Register RingTranslating Skills科技英语翻译方法与技巧——词性的转换Reading Material Mold CoolingPart Ⅳ Die & Mold CAD/CAMUnit 1Text Computer Aided DesignTranslating Skills科技英语翻译方法与技巧——词序的变动Reading Material The Need for Numerical ControlUnit 2Text Computer Aided ManufacturingTranslating Skills科技英语翻译方法与技巧——词义的选择Reading Material CAD/CAM SystemsUnit 3Text CAD/CAM/CNCTranslating Skills科技英语翻译方法与技巧——词语的增译与减译Reading Material Numerical Control of Machining ProcessPart Ⅴ Die & Mold EquipmentUnit 1Text The Injection Molding and MachineTranslating Skills科技英语翻译方法与技巧——倒装语序Reading Material Mold Machine ToolsIUnit 2Text The Forming and Molding EquipmentTranslating Skills科技英语翻译方法与技巧——it的用法Reading Material Components of Injection Molding MechineUnit 3Text The Reciprocating ScrewTranslating Skills科技英语翻译方法与技巧——数量的译法Reading Material Clamping Mechanism of Injection Molding MachinePart Ⅵ Die&Mold EDMUnit 1Text Electric Discharge MachiningTranslating Skills科技英语翻译方法与技巧——长难句的翻译Reading Material Laser Beam MachiningUnit 2Text Wire—Cut EDM(1)Translating Skills科技英语翻译方法与技巧——英语否定式的翻译Reading Material Wire-Cut EDM(2)Unit 3Text Wire-Cut EDM(3)Translating Skills科技英语翻译方法与技巧——句子成分的转换(1)Reading Material Wire-Cut EDM(4)Part Ⅶ Computerized Numerical ControlUnit 1Text Machines Using NCTranslating Skills科技英语翻译方法与技巧——句子成分的转换(2)Reading Material Advantages of NCUnit 2Text CNCTranslating Skills科技英语翻译方法与技巧——特殊句型的翻译Reading Material The Types of ComputersUnit 3Text Computer Graphics ProgrammingTranslating Skills科技英语翻译方法与技巧——专业术语的翻译Reading Material Programing for NCAppendixAppendix A参考译文与练习答案Appendix B Words and ExpressionsReferences
In metal forming, the geometry of the workpiece is established entirely or partially by the geom-etry of the die. In contrast to machining processes, significantly greater forces are necessary in form-ing. Due to the complexity of the parts, forming is often not carried out in a single operation. De-pending on the geometry of the part, production is carried out in several operational steps via one orseveral production processes such as forming or blanking. One operation can also include severalprocesses simultaneously. During the design phase, the necessary manufacturing methods as well as the sequence andnumber of production steps are established in a processing plan. In this plan, the availability of ma-chines, the planned production volumes of the part and other boundary conditions are taken into ac-count. The aim is to minimize the number of dies to be used while keeping up a high level of opera-tional reliability. The parts are greatly simplified right from their design stage by close collabora-tion between the part design and production departments in order to enable several forming and relat-ed blanking processes to be carried out in one forming station. Obviously, the more operations which are integrated into a single die, the more complex thestructure of the die becomes. The consequences are higher costs, a decrease in output and a lowerreliability. Single Station Die The die that only one process is carried out in one pressstroke is called single station die. Its structure is simple, so itcan be easily manufactured. It is applicable to small batch pro-duction. Figure 2-6 shows the structure of a single station die. Progressive Die To speed production, piercing and blanking operations are 1often combined together in one tool. In progressive dies, alsoknown as progressive blanking dies, sheet metal parts areblanked in several stages; generally speaking no actual formingoperation takes place. The sheet metal is fed in the form ofmetal strips. Using an appropriate arrangement of the blanks within the available width of the sheetmetal, an optimal material usage is ensured. The workpiece remains fixed to the strip skeleton upuntil the last operation. Figure 2-7 shows a simple progressive die for making washers. In the opera-tion, the punch moves downwards to punch by piercing punch and to blank by blanking punch.