宋先道 湖北科学技术出版社 (2011-04出版)
Chapter 1 The General Situation in China 1.1 The Root and Characteristics of Chinese Culture 1.2 The General Situation of Politics 1.3 China's Population 1.4 The General Situation of Geography 1.5 The General Situation of Chinese Holiday 1.6 Rivers and Lakes 1.7 Other Information about China Chapter 2 Cbinese History 2.1 Introduction 2.2 The Dawn of China-Remote Antiquity to Slave Society(1.7 million years ago-2070 B.C.) 2.3 Slave Society 2.4 Feudal Society 2.5 Modern Period-The Republic of China(1911-1949) Chapter 3 Clunese Districts and Provinces 3.1 Chinese Map and Direction 3.2 China-s Administrative Division System 3.3 General Information on Chinese Districts and Provinces 3.4 China Economic Zone Chapter 4 Chinese Population and Nations 4.1 The General Introduction of Chinese Population 4.2 Chinese 56 Nations and Their Distributions 4.3 Life of Each Nations of China Chapter 5 Peoples Life in China 5.1 Changes in Consumption Stage and Culture 5.2 The Changes of the Consumption Structure of Residents 5.3 The Network Consumption 5.4 Tourism Consumption 5.5 Foreign Culturein China Chapter 6 Chinese Etiquette 6.1 SummaryofEtiquette 6.2 China-s Traditional Festival Customs and Ritual 6.3 Chinese People Eating Etiquette 6.4 Chinese People of Various Ceremonial Gifts 6.5 Famous Chinese Sayings Chapter 7 Chinese Face Culture 7.1 The Origin of Face 7.2 The Representations of Face 7.3 The Detailed Operation of Face 7.4 The Advantage and Disadvantage Analysis of the Face Psychology 7.5 The Difference of Face between China and Western Countries Chapter 8 Chinese Numerical Culture 8.1 Introduction 8.2 The Origin of Chinese Numeral Culture 8.3 The General Connotation of Numbers in Chinese Culture 8.4 The Display of Numerical Culture in Chinese Peoples Daily Life 8.5 The Use of Lucky Numbers in Business Chapter 9 Chinese Body Language 9.1 Brief Introduction about Body Language 9.2 Chinese Body Language 9.3 A Brief Introduction of Negative Chinese Body Language Chapter 10 Euphemisms and Taboos 10.1 Brief Introduction 10.2 Euphemisms 10.3 Taboos 10.4 Comparison between Western Taboos and Chinese Taboos Chapter 11 Business Culture in China 11.1 Addressing in China 11.2 Business Arrangements 11.3 BusinessEntertaining 11.4 Chinese Business Negotiation Process 11.5 Chinese Business Negotiating Style Chapter 12 Joint Venturesin China 12.1 State of Joint Ventures in China 12.2 How to Establish a Foreign-Funded Enterprise in China 12.3 How to Establish an Equity Joint Venture in China 12.4 The Factors that Should be Considered when Establishing a J oint Venture Chapter 13 Chinese Festival 13.1 The Spring Festival 13.2 The Tomb-sweeping Day 13.3 The International Labor Days 13.4 The Dragon Boat Festival 13.5 The Mid-Autumn Festival 13.6 The Chinese National Day 13.7 Other Festivals Cbapter 14 The Chinese Zodiac Culture 14.1 Introduction 14.2 The Legends of Chinese Zodiac 14.3 The Character of Persons and the Zodiac Animal Signs 14.3 Social Function of the Chinese Zodiac Chapter 15 Chinese Twenty-four Solar Terms 15.1 The Origin of the Twenty-Four Solar Terms 15.2 The Significance of the Twenty-Four Solar Terms 15.3 Customs Concerning the Twenty-Four Solar Terms 15.4 More Popular Proverbs and Ballad on the Solar Terms Chapter 16 Chinese Wedding 16.1 Ancient Chinese Wedding Customs 16.2 Contemporary Chinese Wedding 16.3 Chinese-foreign Marriages 16.4 The Main Color of Wedding 16.5 The Wedding Banquet 16.6 The Social Function of Wedding in China Chapter 17 Cbinese Wushu 17.1 A Brief Introduction of Wushu 17.2 Characteristics of Chinese Wushu 17.3 Functions of Chinese Kungfu 17.4 Some Representative Chinese Wushu(Kung Fu) 17.5 Points to Remember:For Foreigners Learning Wushu 17.6 The Management and Marketing of China's Wushu Chapter 18 Chinese Religions 18.1 Introduction to Chinese Religions 18.2 Traditional Religions and Practices in China 18.3 Traditional Chinese Religions and Business Cbapter 19 Chinese Funeral 19.1 Funeral Customs 19.2 Symbolism Chapter 20 Education in China 20.1 The Situation of Chinese Education 20.2 Modern Education 20.3 Studying in China Chapter 21 The Difference of Culture between Western Countries and China 21.1 Brief Introduction about the Difference of Culture 21.2 Different Living Circumstance 21.3 Different Historical Allusion 21.4 Different Religions and Beliefs 21.5 Different Traditions and Customs 21.6 Form of Differences Chapter 22 Classical Chinese Culture and Arts 22.1 The Tea Culture 22.2 Cut-paper 22.3 Kites 22.4 Peking Opera 22.5 Chinese Painting 22.6 Chinese Food Culture 22.7 Chinese Wine Culture 22.8 Chinese Garden 22.9 TraditionalChinese Medicine 22.10 Other ClassicalCulturP and Arts
版权页: 插图: (2)The neighbors will always compare the visibility of their universities.Say,if Mr.Wang's child only enters an average school,while the neighbor's child enters a key school,he will lose face,and the parents whose child goes to the key school will feel very proud and have a lot of face.When it comes to the children who are not admitted by the universities at all,they will lose face outrageously. (3)When you visit the others,if you eat too much,it seems not dignified and you will lose face,if you eat little,the host will feel that you do not give him face.When someone invites you to drink a bottle of wine,if you agree and drink with him,he will be very happy and have face. (4) When you borrow money from someone(supposing he has a lot of money),if they lend it to you,you will feel that you have face,otherwise,you will lose face. (5)In front of husband-s friends,if wife is very tender,virtuous,and behaves appropriately,the husband will feel that he has face,on the contrary,if wife is very potent,and asks the husband to do this and do that,husband will lose face in front of his friends.And this kind of husbands are called"Bronchites"(qiguanyan-means being afraid of their wives.) (6)When the older generation are contacting with the younger generation, the younger ones should be humble and polite, they should let the older generation give a speech first,let them sit first,or eat first.All of the above are the examples to show how to protect the face of the older generation If the younger generation do something wrong, the older generation should not blame them in public,in this way they can maintain their face. (7)In the village of China,people attach great importance to the building of the graves.Usually, after the older generation's death, the younger generation should bury them The grave should cover a large area,the Feng Shui should be good and the grave should look grand In this way,the older generation think their living sons and daughters have face,and the dead people also feel comforted.