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每年上海高考生几乎人手一册的“五年高考试题透视”丛书已经出版多年了,承蒙广大教师、学生和家长对这套丛书的厚爱和口口相传,使它得以每年滚动出版,让更多的学子受益。 在听到读者赞扬声的同时,编辑部还经常收到读者的来信来电,反映书中安排的练习题还不够,希望能出版与它相配套的模拟试卷,在复习的最后冲刺阶段体验高考的实战情景,从而在高考中取得好成绩。编辑部根据广大读者的要求,邀请了编写“五年高考试题透视”丛书的原班人马,为读者精心打造了“高考模拟试卷”丛书。 丛书按照最新颁布的高考《考试手册》编写,每份试卷的分值、题型等按最新的要求编排,每道试题给予了详细解答和答题评分,其评分方式完全依据高考阅卷的统一标准,读者在做完试卷后可以根据答题评分标准知晓自己的大体水平和不足,并针对存在的问题进行相应的训练,因而这些试卷是6月高考提前演练的最适宜的试卷。 本丛书作为“五年高考试题透视”的姊妹篇,秉承了“探寻高考命题的变化轨迹,预测高考试题可能的发展方向和考查重点”的宗旨,以期减少教师和学生在复习迎考中的盲目性,加强复习的针对性,减轻学生的负担,提高复习效果。 本丛书将根据每年最新修订的高考《考试手册》而修订,以真正达到实战模拟的效果。
In addition, unemployment is rising and even fewer people can afford to have children. With so much pressure on families, is it any surprise that the divorce rate is so high? So to save the British family, the government is trying to make it cheaper to have children. For example, there is an increasing amount of government subsidy(补贴) for nursery schools, so that parents neednt pay so much for child care. Besides, there are laws allowing parents to take more time off work to look after children themselves. The government is also trying to reduce the number of hours British parents have towork to earn enough money to pay their bills. On average, a Briton works 49 hours aweek, which is the most in Europe. Its a bad work-life balance and is damaging Britishsociety. The state is now considering introducing laws to encourage British companies toimprove work-life balance of all their employees. Lets hope they are not too late to savethe British family.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN, TENWORDS. )
高考命题趋势风向标 遵循最新考纲 展现最新题型 提供高考实境 五年高考试题透视姊妹篇 高考命题研究权威重点推荐与2011年考试手册配套