(美)比林斯,(美)比林斯 著,杨睿 等编译
《传奇聚焦》是由青岛出版社和麦格劳-希尔教育(亚洲)出版公司共同合作奉献给广大英语学习爱好者的精品读物。本套丛书共有八辑,每辑精选了九位当今明星级成功人士的传奇故事。他们当中有影视明星,有运动健将,也有作家或者音乐家。他们有的在成长过程中生活窘迫,但是通过不懈的努力,最终获得了成功;有的专注于实现自己的梦想,不理会别人的诋毁和嘲笑;有的在功成名就之后依然会经受种种挑战。这些名人的成功历程将带给你超越语言学习的更多人生感悟和启示。 本套丛书将美国的阅读学习方法原汁原味地呈献给中国的英语学习爱好者。不要担心你看不懂文中的一些生词或句子,多读几遍,只要你按照书中的阅读技巧提示和训练坚持不懈地逐本书读下去,你一定会看到惊喜的变化!英语阅读水平的提高并不是本套丛书带领你学习的惟一目标,启迪思考、活跃思维、激发讨论才能让你真正会学习,并一生受益无穷!
前言如何使用本书Unit 1 1 Will Smith Hardest—Working Man in Hollywood 2 Thalia From the Dark into the Light 3 Tony Hawk Doing Things His Way Compare and Contrast ChartUnit 2 4 Tobey Maguire From Cook to Superhero 5 Grant Hill Happy to Be Back on the Court 6 J.K.Rowling People Love Her Stories Compare and Contrast ChartUnit 3ANSWERS
Rowling named her wizard Harry Potter. She began keeping a notebook about him. She wrote down lots of details about him and his life. Meanwhile Rowling decided to change her life. In 1991, at age 26, she qui ther job as a secretary and left England. She moved to Portugal and took a job teaching English. Soon she fell in love, got married, and had a baby. Although her life was busier than ever, she still found time to write about Harry. Rowlings marriage did not last. In 1993 she returned to England. Now she had a problem. She had no job. She had no money. And she had a baby to support. For the next two years, Rowling barely got by. She and her daughterlived in a cold little apartment. To get out of the apartment, Rowling of tenwent out for walks with the baby. Rowling would put little Jessica in a baby carriage. Then she would head to a nearby caf. While Jessica slept, Rowling would sit and work on her Harry Potter story. "She was quite an odd sight,"recalls the caf owner. He remembers her rocking the stroller back and forthwith one hand and writing with the other.
追星学英语,做最的自己。 本套丛书每辑内容包括: 9篇精彩纷呈的名人传记 3级合理配置的阅读梯次 提升阅读理解力和评判性思维的读后练习 综合分析每单元篇蕈内容的比较和对照表 本套丛书适合初三、高中年级、大学低年级学生及英语学习爱好者使用,也可用作英语四、六级考试或雅思、托福考试的阅读训练材料。