潘志强 主编
阅读是获得知识和信息的主要手段,阅读理解能力是学习英语的最基本、最重要的能力之一。因此,阅读理解在中学英语教学中占有重要地位,也是高考的主要题型之一,并且占有较大的比重。 教育部颁布的《英语课程标准》对中学生的英语阅读能力提出了更高的要求,文章的难度也逐渐增大。其中八级阅读的要求是: 能识别不同文体的特征;能通过分析句子结构理解难句和长句;能理解阅读材料中不同的观点和态度;能根据学习任务的需要从多种媒体中获取信息并进行加工处理;能在教师的帮助下欣赏浅显的英语文学作品;除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到30万词以上。 但是,目前一些英语阅读材料内容乏味,体例单一,很难满足广大师生的需求。编写一套全新的阅读教材,给广大中学生提供有效的阅读方法和技巧,帮助他们在备考的同时,养成终身受益的良好阅读习惯和出色的阅读能力,已成为目前我国中学英语教学的当务之急。为此,作者特地组织一批一线优秀特、高级教师,精心策划编写了本套书。 本套书的主要特点有: 强大的编写阵容:优秀特、高级教师、资深外教强强联手,合力打造。 鲜明的功能定位:依据课程标准,紧扣教学和考试热点,大胆创新,专项切入,授以秘诀。 地道的语言材料:广泛取材于最新英美报刊时文,既具时尚性,又不失规范。 丰富的题材内容:在内容选择上力求多题材、多角度,兼顾学习和欣赏。 系统的实战平台:提供大量的训练,使学生掌握技巧、提升信心,突破阅读难点。 多样的题型设计:融选择、正误判断、简答等题型于一体,全面考查学生逻辑思维及分析能力,特别突出了阅读后续活动(follow-up activities)的重要性,强调了语言学习中的语用目的。 本套书在正式出版之前,已有多所学校的数千名师生试用过。广大师生对本套书都给予了较高的评价,选摘部分如下: 1. 文章结构清晰,便于寻找细节。 2. 选材的长度适中,题材较新,立意较高,适合中学生阅读。 3. 虽有一些未学过的单词,但不影响理解全文内容。 4. 文章语言地道,生词较少,题型灵活多变,适合大多数学生阅读。 5. 文章取材新颖,关注社会潮流,不仅可使学生兴趣大增,还能从中学到不少知识,真可谓一举两得。 同时,本书还免费提供资深外教录制的mp3网络下载,有助于转变传统的阅读理解教学手段,为学生创设良好的语言学习条件和环境。这也不失为本书的一大特色与亮点。
Its the kind of local spot that you dont know about until somebody tellsyou. Maybe youve even driven by it hundreds of times and never noticed it. Butonce you find it tucked behind a gas station and auto body shop on WashingtonStreet, you know youve found a treasure. Of course if youre a local, you remember shopping at The Barn for any ofthe several shoe trends over the years: penny loafers, earth shoes, platforms,high-top sneakers, and Crocs in nearly every imaginable color have lined thewalls of the warehouse for several seasons in fashion. June Ferestien, who now takes her children to the store, remembers pullingon new childrens shoes from The Barn, while her mother waited patiently besideher. "I have been a customer here my entire life," said the former West Newtonresident, "And now, we buy everything for my children there. " The Barn Family Shoe Store, which has served generations of shoppers fromits Kempton Place location, is celebrating its 60th year. Stives dad started sell-ing shoes out of the trunk of his car. Hed sell factory irregulars at a reducedcost: some of the shoes might have a dot on them or the shoestring hole wasslightly off, but people bought them for the discount. Now, six decades later thestore remains hidden off Washington Street, but still alive with customers, bothyoung and old. Asked how The Barn has withstood changes in the market place,Stives said, " Weve just tried to stick to basics : Weve got great parking and al-ways offer a good value. " "I love being able to carry on the tradition of my father," Stives said, sit-ting in her fathers room above the warehouse. "I am so proud and so amazedthat we could continue to carry on. It doesnt happen very much these days. " Stives does not know who will take the torch from her when she decides toretire. But she does know shed like to see The Barn remain a family business, ifnot run by her own family, then run by The Barn family.