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《新课标高中英语活页文选(高1第2学期)》讲述了:新课标高中英语活页文选全套共6册,采用活页形式,便于学生携带,并提供全文MP3录音的免费下载,读听结合,能有效强化语篇的理解与记忆。本套书适合高一至高三年级学生使用,也可供高中英语阅读总复习使用。 选文题材丰富、时代感强,选篇标准和出题思路与最新高考阅读理解命题趋势相符。 练习形式新颖,能帮助学生扩大词汇量、提高英语阅读技能和技巧。 真正活页形式,便于学生随身携带,利用零星时间,见缝插针进行阅读。 篇幅长短适中,便于教师利用10分钟左右的课堂时间,指导学生完成一篇短文的阅读。 全套共6册,适合高一至高三学生使用,也可供高中英语阅读总复习使用。 提供全文MP3录音的免费下载,读听结合,强化语篇的理解与记忆。
Reverend Braxton, family, friends, admirers, and this amazing choir:I feel it an honor to be here to come and say a final goodbye. I grew up inthe South, and Rosa Parks was a hero to me long before I recognized and under-stood the power and impact that her life embodied. I remember my father tellingme about this colored woman who had refused to give up her seat. And in mychild‘s mind, I thought, “She must be really big. “ I thought she must be atleast a hundred feet tall. I imagined her being strong and determined and carry-ing a shield ( a large flat piece of metal) to hold back the white folks. And thenI grew up and had the esteemed honor of meeting her.And wasn’t that a surprise? Here was this petite almost delicate ladywho was the personification of grace and goodnes. And ! thanked her then. Isaid “thank you”, for myself and for every colored girl, every colored boy, whodidn‘t have heroes who were celebrated. I thanked her then. And after our first meeting I realized that God uses good people to do greatthings. And I’m here today to say a final thank you, Sister Rosa, for being agreat woman who used your life to serve, to serve us all. That day that you re-fused to give up your seat on the bus, you, Sister Rosa, changed the trajectory of my life and lives of so many other people in the world. I would not bestanding here today nor standing where I stand every day had she not chosen tosit down. I know that. I know that. I know that, and I honor that. Had she notchosen to say, we shall not, we shall not be moved. So I thank you again, Sister Rosa, for not only confronting the one whiteman whose seat you took, not only confronting the bus driver, not only for con-fronting the law, but for confronting history, a history that for 400 years said thatyou were not even worthy of a glance, certainly no consideration. I thank you fornot moving.