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《新课标高中英语活页文选(高2第1学期)》讲述了:新课标高中英语活页文选全套共6册,采用活页形式,便于学生携带,并提供全文MP3录音的免费下载,读听结合,能有效强化语篇的理解与记忆。本套书适合高一至高三年级学生使用,也可供高中英语阅读总复习使用。 选文题材丰富、时代感强,选篇标准和出题思路与最新高考阅读理解命题趋势相符。 练习形式新颖,能帮助学生扩大词汇量、提高英语阅读技能和技巧。 真正活页形式,便于学生随身携带,利用零星时间,见缝插针进行阅读。 篇幅长短适中,便于教师利用10分钟左右的课堂时间,指导学生完成一篇短文的阅读。 全套共6册,适合高一至高三学生使用,也可供高中英语阅读总复习使用。 提供全文MP3录音的免费下载,读听结合,强化语篇的理解与记忆。
Anne Frank (June 12, 1929 - early March 1945 ) was a German-born Jew-ish girl from the city of Frankfurt. She gained international fame posthumously following the publication of her diary which documents her experiences of hiding during the German occupation of the Netherlands in World War II. Anne and her family moved to Amsterdam in 1933 after the Nazis gainedpower in Germany, and were trapped by the occupation of the Netherlands,which began in 1940. As persecutions against the Jewish population in-creased, the family went into hiding in hidden rooms in her father Otto Franksoffice building. On the morning of Monday, July 6, 1942, the family moved in-to the hiding place. Their apartment was left in a state of disorder to create theimpression that they had left suddenly, and Otto Frank left a note that hintedthey were going to Switzerland. As Jews were not allowed to use public trans-port, they walked several kilometres from their home, with each of them wearingseveral layers of clothing as they did not dare to be seen carrying luggage. Aftertwo years, the group was betrayed and transported to concentration camps. Sev-en months after her arrest, Anne Frank died of typhus in the concentrationcamp, within days of the death of her sister, Margot Frank. Her father Otto, theonly survivor of the group, returned to Amsterdam after the war to find that herdiary had been saved, and his efforts led to its publication in 1947. It was trans-lated from its original Dutch and first published in English in 1952 as The Diaryof a Young Girl. The diary, which was given to Anne on her 13th birthday, recorded her lifefrom June 12, 1942 until August 1, 1944. It has been translated into many lan-guages, has become one of the worlds most widely read books, and has beenthe basis for several plays and films. Anne Frank has been acknowledged for thequality of her writing, and has become one of the most famous Holocaust victims.