王振芳 改编
本书是自德国引进的,由国内改编,专门为保险销售人员编写的行业英语教材,其内容十分符合我国教育部颁布的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》精神,突出了高职高专教育“实用为主,够用为度,以应用为目的”的原则。学生通过本教材的学习,既可以学到保险领域的英语词汇与表达,又可以运用不同保险销售活动场景训练英语听、说、读、写、译技能,并且为获取职业英语资格证书、通过高等学校英语水平考试做准备。 本书是《保险英语》的配套教师用书,书中提供了学生用书的相关知识点及其讲解。教师用书包括:教学目标、主题和内容、练习指导、词汇和短语注释、短文和对话注释、辅助练习、补充练习等。教师用书编排设计强调教学与实际工作操作相结合,强调“学以致用”。
作者:(德国)Willi Fensel (德国)Uwe Krabbe 改编:王振芳
Unit 1 The insurance companyUnit 2 The insurance marketUnit 3 Buildings and contents insuranceUnit 4 Life assuranceUnit 5 Personal accident insuranceUnit 6 Private health insuranceUnit 7 Liability insuranceUnit 8 Motor insuranceUnit 9 Credit insuranceUnit 10 Business insuranceUnit 11 ReinsuranceUnit 12 Marine insurance
插图:1. average clause:It applies if your sum insured is lower than the value of the propertyinsured.2. escalator clause:It helps to avoid underinsurance resulting from inflation.3. capital additions clause:It allows you extend your production hall or buy new machinery and don't declare the increase in sums, you risk being underinsured.4. debris removal: It refers to reduction of waste and maintenance of effectiveness of existing structures.5. temporary removal: It agreed that subjects to the insured having paid the agreed additional premium, this policy shall be extended to cover loss of or damage to the property insured.6. intercrop extension: It refers to business interruption claims within the group, and not to thirdparties. These extensions are usually insured if companies have interdependency exposures within and outside their operations.7. suppliers' extension and customers' extension: It covers you for losses resulting from property damage and stoppage of business at the suppliers' or customers' premises.8. products recall cost cover: It helps to pay expenses incurred to withdraw potentially dangerous or defective products from the market to avoid injury to persons or damage to property.
1. average clause:It applies if your sum insured is lower than the value of the propertyinsured.2. escalator clause:It helps to avoid underinsurance resulting from inflation.3. capital additions clause:It allows you extend your production hall or buy new machinery and don't declare the increase in sums, you risk being underinsured.4. debris removal: It refers to reduction of waste and maintenance of effectiveness of existing structures.5. temporary removal: It agreed that subjects to the insured having paid the agreed additional premium, this policy shall be extended to cover loss of or damage to the property insured.6. intercrop extension: It refers to business interruption claims within the group, and not to thirdparties. These extensions are usually insured if companies have interdependency exposures within and outside their operations.7. suppliers' extension and customers' extension: It covers you for losses resulting from property damage and stoppage of business at the suppliers' or customers' premises.8. products recall cost cover: It helps to pay expenses incurred to withdraw potentially dangerous or defective products from the market to avoid injury to persons or damage to property.