INTRODUCTION0.1 Motivations0.1.1 Queries about the Application of Test Criteria0.1.2 Implications from Preliminary Findings0.2 Significance of the Study0.2.1 Theoretical Significance0.2.2 Practical Significance0.2.3 Methodological Significance0.3 Overview of the BookPART I LITERATURE REVIEWChapter 1 Definitions and Theoretical Issues1.1 Definitions of Related Terms1.2 Nature of the Process of Language Assessment1.2.1 Viewing the Process as Linear1.2.2 Viewing the Process as Cyclic1.3 Role of the Rater in Language Assessment1.3.1 Viewing the Rater as an Instrument1.3.2 Viewing the Rater as a Constructor1.4 Unsettled Issues1.5 SummaryChapter 2 Empirical Studies2.1 Studies of the Process of Language Assessment2.1.1 The Process of Spoken Language Rating2.1.2 The Process of Written Language Rating2.2 Studies of the Role of Raters in Language Assessment2.2.1 Rater Traing2.2.2 Rater Characteristics2.3 Introspective Methods2.4 Unsolved Questions2.5 Introducing the Present Study2.6 SummaryPART II METHODOLOGYChapter 3 Research Design3.1 TEM4-Oral3.1.1 Descriptions of TEM4-Oral3.1.2 Scoring Procedures of TEM4-Oral3.2 Three Pilot Studies3.2. 1 Pilot Study One3.2.2 Pilot Study Two3.2.3 Pilot Study Three3.2.4 Summary of Pilot Studies3.3 The Main Study3.3.1 Research Questions3.3.2 Subjects3.3.3 Instruments3.3.4 Data Collection3.3.5 Data Analysis3.4 SummaryPART Ⅲ RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONChapter 4 Constructing Rating Criteria4.1 Describing the Criteria Constructing Process4.2 Illustrating the Criteria Constructing Process4.2.1 Constructing Content-Related Criteria4.2.2 Constructing Form-Related Criteria4.3 Explaining Variations in the Application of Criteria4.4 Discussion4.5 SummaryChapter 5 Constructing Scores5.1 The Relationship Between Three Assessment Categories5.1.1 A Balanced Relationship5.1.2 An Imbalanced Relationship5.1.3 Discussion5.2 Evidence and Scoring Judgments5.2.1 Negative Evidence Driven5.2.2 Positive Evidence Driven5.2.3 Combining Negative and Positive Evidence5.2.4 Discussion5.3 The Cyclic Nature of the Scoring Process5.3.1 A Cyclic Process in Assessing Three Categories5.3.2 A Cyclic Process in Assessing Individual Categories5.3.3 Discussion5.4 SummaryChapter 6 A Model of Tape-Mediated Assessment6.1 Proposal of a Model of the Process of Tape-Mediated Assessment6.1.1 General Depiction of the Model6.1.2 Constructing Activities6.2 Comparison of the Model with Existing Models6.2.1 Nature of the Process6.2.2 Role of the Rater6.3 SummaryPART IV CONCLUSIONChapter 7 Findings, Limitations and Implications7.1 Major Findings7.1.1 The Nature of the Process7.1.2 The Role of the Rater7.2 Implications7.2.1 Theoretical Implications7.2.2 Practical Implications7.2.3 Methodological Implications7.3 Limitations7.3.1 Methodological Limitations7.3.2 Generalizability Limitations7.4 Suggestions for Future Research7.5 SummaryBibliographyAppendices