学好外语取决于多方面的因素,一是学习的兴趣,二是学习的资源,三是学习的方法,四是成就感,五是实践的机会。 “兴趣是最好的老师。”有兴趣,我们才愿意付出时间、精力和代价,才能“为伊消得人憔悴”但却“无怨无悔”。有学习的资源,就是有各种各样学习外语的材料和机会。大家知道,在中国学习英语,仅靠课堂上的输入,仅靠教材显然是不够的,大量的课外语言实践是必不可少的。这样的课外实践包括听、说、读、写、译等各方面。有些材料学生可以直接通过网络、各类文学作品或媒体获得,还有一些则是经过专家或老师的选择和编排,并附有各种练习的课外阅读或语言训练材料。学习的方法,就是要根据自己的学习目标,根据自己的现有能力、学习风格和学习条件,选择最适合自己的学习方法,培养自己的自主学习能力,最终成为一个成功的学习者。成就感,就是经常有机会证明自己的学习效果或成就,尤其是通过自己所具备的外语能力获得了其他知识,或者与所学语言国家的人交往,从而改善自己的知识结构,提高自己的综合素质和能力。实践的机会,就是努力争取和获得外语听、说、读、写、译各方面的实践机会。我们编写这套丛书的理论依据就是以上对成功的外语学习所涉及的重要因素的理解和分析。同时,我们在总体设计中还充分考虑了语言学习的特点,一方面在选材时注意到材料的知识性和趣味性,另一方面在编写各类相关的练习时注意培养学生自主学习的能力,练习的形式充分考虑到各级各类考试的题型和内容。
《博识英语一百系列》旨在提供丰富的实践机会,提高英语综合素质和能力。本套书选材上注重材料的知识性和趣味性,练习形式与各级各类考试的题型和内容息息相关,在注重实用性的同时训练学生的自主思维能力。 本书为系列之《博识小学英语阅读100篇》分册。
Unit 1 Personal Information 1. Greeting 2. Introduce Myself 3. An Interview 4. An E-mail 5. See a DoctorUnit 2 Family 6. My Family 7. Look at the Picture 8. My Good Family 9. A Busy Family 10. Fred's New Brother Unit 3 School 11. Our School 12. Our Classroom 13. A Letter 14. When Does School Start? 15. Books Are Great! Unit 4 Friends 16. Mr Grey 17. A New Classmate 18. Telephone Call 19. Do You Have a Wish? 20. Anna's Great Day Unit 5 Toys 21. My Brother's Toy 22. Sandy's Friend 23. A Riddle 24. Johnson's Gifts 25. Flower Hat Unit 6 Food 26. Do They Like Them? 27. Twins 28. Have a Stomachache 29. Is He Right? 30. Know More about Fruit and Vegetable Unit 7 Number 31. Old Macdonald's Farm 32. Buying Stationery 33. How Many Birds Remain? 34. What Do the Numbers Mean? 35. A Smart GirlUnit 8 Colour 36. A Colourful Card 37. Colourful Magic Water 38. Who Is the Thief? 39. A Little Chameleon 40. What Do Colours Mean? Unit 9 Time 41. My Busy Father 42. Naughty AIf 43. Why? 44. Seasons in China and Australia 45. Lazy Tom Unit 10 Weather 46. WhereDoes the Rain and Snow Come From? 47. A New Sweater 48. Planning for a Trip 49. A Little Pig 50. How to Protect Yourself in an Earthquake? Unit 11 Entertainment and Spare Time Activities 51. Outdoor Activities 52. My Happy Pen Pal 53. A Field Trip 54. Go On-Line 55. Poker Unit 12 Sports 56. Football 57. Exercise 58. Sports Injury 59. When You Swim, Swim Safely! 60. Rope JumpingUnit 13 Animals and Plants 61. At the Circus 62. Bees 63. Life Cycle of A Frog 64. Seahorse 65. Plants Unit 14 Clothes 66. What Clothes Do I Need? 67. The Scarecrow's Clothes 68. Fancy Dress Party 69. Buying Clothing 70. Colours and Chinese Clothes Unit15 Body 71. How Many Legs? 72. The Smart HairStyle 73. The Five Senses 74. Healthy Me 75. Sleep for Good Grades Unit 16 Holidays 76. Earth Day 77. Labor Day in the U.S. 78. Valentine's Day 79. Christmas in the West Today 80. Story of Halloween Unit 17 Nations & Their Flags 81. The UK 82. Australia 83. New Zealand 84. Canada 85. The US Unit 18 Famous Buildings 86. The Statue of Liberty 87. Big Ben 88. Sydney Opera House 89. The CN Tower in Canada 90. The Eiffel Tower Unit 19 World Famous People 91. Joanne Rowling 92, Bill Gates 93. Liu Xiang 94. Helen Keller 95. Ludwig Van Beethoven Unit 20 Science Reading 96. What Is an Environment? 97. Our Sun 98. The Earth 99. The Moon 100. MarsAppendix Ⅰ译文 Ⅱ参考答案
Loved bacon in the morning. Annas mother was getting ready for work. Annasmother is a teacher at Annas school. Anna is in the secondgrade, and her mother teaches the fourth grade. Anna was excited about going to school. Her classwas going to take a test to see how much they had learnedso far that year. Anna couldnt wait to get to school. Annasharpened her new pencils for the test. She was going to doher very best on that test. Anna loved school, and she liked to make good grades. Anna ate her breakfast, and then she and her mother went to the school.Anna went straight to her classroom. Her teacher, Ms. Brown, was already there.It was fun to be in Ms. Browns class. She was a great teacher. Annas classmatesarrived. Ms. Brown called roll, and then they started the test. Anna tried toremember all the things her teacher had taught her that year, and tried very hardto do everything right on the test. The test took over an hour. After the test was over, the class played outsidefor a long time. Then they ate lunch. After lunch, they watched a funny movie,and then drew pictures until it was time to go home. It was a great day!