张倩 编
《考入重点校·小升初星级题库:英语(新课程·通用版)》亲爱的同学们:时间总是不经意间从我们身边悄悄溜走。转眼之间,六年的小学生活即将结束,同时我们又将迎来一段崭新的学习生活。小学升初中对每一个人来说都是至关重要的。一方面.新课程改革以来,教材与教学等方面都发生了深刻的变化,对学生的学习能力提出了更高的要求。另一方面,包括中考在内的后续升学考试竞争日益激烈,这就要求在小学毕业阶段必须做好调整,为升入初中打下坚实的基础。 为了帮助广大小学毕业生升入理想的初中,迅速适应全新的学习生活,我们组织了一批重点学校的特级教师以及资深教研员,集多年丰富的教学经验,高屋建瓴地打造了一套全新的教辅图书——《考入重点校——小升初星级题库》。现在就让我们来认识一下这位新朋友吧! 这套书有什么独特的功用? 《考入重点校·小升初星级题库:英语(新课程·通用版)》具有两大核心功用,即帮助面临毕业升学的同学们全面、系统地完成复习备考,轻松、顺利地应对入学分班测试、重点校招生考试等各类小升初考试。对同学们来说,这套书是学习的好伙伴,对家长和老师来说,这套书是复习指导的好参谋。 这套书有什么新颖的内容? 《考入重点校·小升初星级题库:英语(新课程·通用版)》立足于实用,着眼于备考,板块式的结构设计科学实用。“语法精解”将学生必须掌握的语法知识进行重点归纳.把其中的重点、难点和考点总结提炼成易掌握、易记忆、易检索的要点,便于学生理解记忆:“专项突破”通过多元题型的练习。对各知识点逐一突破;“综合模拟”则吸取了全国各地小升初考试试题精华,对学科所包含的知识考点进行全面考查,突出重点,注重实效。 这套书有什么鲜明的特色? 一是导向性强。《考入重点校·小升初星级题库:英语(新课程·通用版)》严格按照新课标的要求。以素质教育为根本出发点,能够帮助学生、老师和家长更为准确地了解小学毕业考试的命题方向,提高学生运用知识解决实际问题的能力和综合素质。二是能力分级。针对不同学生能力水平的差异,我们将书中各部分的试题整体划分为三大能力等级,以星级来表示,立足基础,兼顾能力,重点拔高,这使得《考入重点校·小升初星级题库:英语(新课程·通用版)》能够满足不同层次学生的需求,切实提高学习效率,从而实现自己理想的升学目标。 现在,就让我们和这位新朋友握握手吧!拥有它,你就拥有了成功开启升学之门的金钥匙。
第一部分 语法精解一、名词二、代词三、形容词和副词四、数词五、动词六、时态第二部分 专项突破一、词汇二、单项选择三、连词成句四、改写句子五、改错六、用所给单词的适当形式填空七、情景会话八、完形填空九、阅读理解第三部分 综合模拟小学毕业总复习模拟卷小学毕业总复习模拟卷二小学毕业总复习模拟卷三小学毕业总复习模拟卷四小学毕业总复习模拟卷五初中入学分班测试模拟卷初中入学分班测试模拟卷二初中入学分班测试模拟卷三初中入学分班测试模拟卷四初中入学分班测试模拟卷五初中重点校招生考试模拟卷初中重点校招生考试模拟卷二初中重点校招生考试模拟卷三初中重点校招生考试模拟卷四参考答案
1.Who is he talking to 2.Whose is this umbrella 3.What's the dog's name 4.What time is it 5.Which bag do you like better 6.What colour is your T-shirt 7.Where does his father work 8.What was her mother before 9.Why could you come 10.How is the film "Harry Potter" 11.Where did they live ten years ago 12.What's on the plate 13.How many students are there in your class 14.How much is the sweater 15.When will Tom go to America 16.How old is your grandmother now 17.How many presents have the children got during the holiday 18.How long did the firemen fight the fire 19.What's the matter with you 20.What does he often have for breakfast 21.How long does it take Danny to get to the park 22.What would you like after lunch 23.How much water do you need every day 24.What do you usually eat every day 25.How fast does the underground train run 26.Which books are theirs 27.What are the firemen doing 28.How much do you weigh 29.How long were you when you were born 30.How often does your aunt go shopping 31.How did her father go to work yesterday 32.What does she like to do 33.What does he like doing after school 34.What are you going to do tomorrow 35.How long will she stay in Xi'an 36.What festival don't you like 37.How tall is Yao Ming 38.Which season do you like best 39.What was the weather like yesterday How was the weather yesterday 40.What day is today 41.What's the date 42.How high is the building 43.How tall was your sister when she was ten 44.How far is your home from your school 45.What will it be tomorrow 46.What season is it 47.Whose coat is white and black 48.How was Mother yesterday 49.Which girl is Kate 50.What does she want to be when she grows up (四)按要求改写句子 1.I also want to go to the Great Wall.2.It's an English book.3.I have lots of old pictures.4.Kate has dinner at six in the evening.5.These are her friends.6.I often go to the movies with my friends on weekends.7.A fisherman usually catches fish.8.We can't/mustn't ride our bicycles here! 9.How will we get to the park? 10.My favourite fruit is pineapples.11.He takes a taxi to school every day.12.How beautiful the river is! 13.Those sheep are white.14.Kitty ate much one year ago.15.You were about one year old when you learned to walk.16.Uncle Wang will fly to America.17.We must not run in the room.18.They drew some pictures yesterday 19.Tomorrow will be the Open Day.20.Kitty likes fish because it is delicious.21.Don't talk loudly in the library.22.My parents didn't take us to Beijing yesterday.23.It's time to go to school.24.Can we listen to music in the music room or in the classroom? 25.Old people don't like pop music at all. ……
英语-考入重点校小升初星级题库-冲刺100分-第二次修订版-新课程-通用版 PDF格式下载