裘岩 编
加缪曾经说过,“故事”是读者永恒的需要。读者的阅读习惯,从根本上说,就是对“故事”的渴望。莎士比亚说:“故事可以治好耳聋。”沈从文说:“我怎么创造故事,故事怎么创造我。”本书撷取80篇英语小品故事,融哲理、智慧、情感、生活、学习、幽默为一体,以轻松简易的笔触勾勒英语表达的大厦。 全国各省中学考试都从这80篇故事中出过无数阅读试题。本次结集出版,是献给广大中学生朋友的一份珍馐。本书特色如下: 选文“真”。物有真假,文章亦然。假文章虽然也有文字,但却没有思想,更不是真理。只有真情方能感人,只有真话才能服人,本书选文充分反映学生在西方文化和社会背景下的真实生活。 选文“新”。王羲之诗云:“群籁虽参差,适我无非新。”没有新意的文章,不是克隆就是垃圾。本书所选文章思想新、内容新、语言新、手法新。它是汩汩淙淙的泉溪,喝一口沁人心脾;它是顶花带刺儿的黄瓜,咬一口颊齿留芳;它是敷满白霜的葡萄,吃一颗“余音绕梁”! 选文“深”。狄德罗说:“深刻的思想就像铁钉,一旦钉在脑子里,什么东西也无法把它拔出来。”本书所选文章力透纸背,人木三分,一针见血,掷地有声!而不是走马观花,蜻蜓点水,隔靴搔痒,轻描淡写!且在语言、内容、形式、技巧等方面都要有相当的深度,知识点密集,而不是人云亦云、人人能云的老生常谈,人口即化的语言棉花糖。道理很简单,取法乎上,仅得其中。譬如练毛笔书法,须以二王及欧柳颜赵等大家法帖为楷范,倘以学生的习作为模本,势必力巴(外行)学力巴,越学越力巴。 选文“精”。孔子云:“言之无文,行而不远。”塞缪尔·约翰逊说:“最优秀的书籍是由美好的语言和闪光的思想所构成的财富。”沃夫纳格说:“深奥的思想是用凝练的语言来表达的。”本书所选文章内容精准、精辟、精洽、精微,语言精练、精美、精彩、精妙,篇幅短小精悍。
Unit 1 Not a Small ProblemUnit 2 The PackageUnit 3 A Sad StoryUnit 4 The Best Salesman in the WorldUnit 5 Your Need Is Greater than MineUnit 6 A Difficult QuestionUnit 7 The Hole in the GroundUnit 8 Quick Thinkin9Unit 9 The New DoctoUnit 10 A Cheap MealUnit 11 A Very Important PersonUnit 12 Violin LessonsUnit 13 Not So StupidUnit 14 No ElephantsUnit 15 How Wars Begin Unit 16 Long LifeUnit 17 The Bank RobberUnit 18 The Big BabyUnit 19 In the AirUnit 20 On Guard Unit 21 The CheaterUnit 22 The DietUnit 23 A Holiday from SchoolUnit 24 Love LettersUnit 25 Quick ServiceUnit 26 The Umbrella ManUnit 27 Fishing Can Be DangerousUnit 28 The EarthquakeUnit 29 A Family SecretUnit 30 No PointUnit 31 The Three Tortoises……
Jill Jones got a new job in a different part of the city.She had to go to work every day by train. There was only one other person on the train withher. He was a well-dressed man reading a newspaper.Suddenly, about halfway through the journey, the manbegan tearing his newspaper into hundreds of smallpieces. Then he picked them up, opened the window and threw them all out. This done, he sat down, closed his eyes, and slept for the rest of thejourney. The next day, Jill got on the same train. The same well-dressed man wasthere, reading a newspaper. As before, about halfway through the journey, the man began tearing hisnewspaper into hundreds of small pieces. Then he picked the pieces up,opened the window and threw them all out. This done, he sat down, closed his eyes, and slept for the rest of thejourney. This happened every day for a week. At last, on Friday, Jill spoke to the man. "Excuse me, sir," she said, "I dont want to be rude, but I must ask you aquestion. When we are halfway through our journey, you tear your newspaperinto hundreds of pieces and then throw them all out of the window. Please tellme, sir. Why do you do this?" The well-dressed man smiled. "Theres a simple reason," he said. "I liketo sleep for part of the journey, but I cannot sleep if the train is full ofelephants. So I throw the pieces of paper out to the elephants. It stops themfrom coming into the train."
上海交通大学外国语学院英语编审,《当代外语研究》学术期刊执行主编杨枫博士推荐。 英语故事中的奇葩英语学习的精品! 选文真:只有真情方能感人,只有真话才能服人 选文新:选文思想新,内容新、语言新、手法新 选文深:所选文章力透纸背,入木三分,掷地有声 选文精:所选内容精准、精辟、精恰、精微。
比较实用,买给女儿的 希望有帮助。
给小弟买的 还不错哦