英语话题导与练 阅读+完形(中考)
杨枫 主编
还在纠结于选择什么样的阅读完形辅导书吗?还在摸索着寻找最系统的阅读文章的方法吗?还在痛苦于如何快速合理地提升阅读能力吗?这里,《英语话题导与练阅读+完形》系列为你提供了答案。 以新课标24个话题功能为主线进行策划编写,彻底摆脱教材版本和地区差异限制的《英语话题导与练阅读+完形》系列,全国独家首创了“H2+3阅读新模式”,提倡循序渐进、步步提升、重点突破的学习方法。本书的编写充分体现了以下优势: 最时尚高效的“1+2+3”阅读新模式 “1”代表一篇导入篇文章。本篇既是对单元话题的引导,也是对教材常见的话题形式的模拟,让你在轻松有趣的文章中感受到阅读的乐趣。 “2”代表两篇限时阅读文章。一篇阅读,一篇完形,难度适中,充分贴近考试的要求。你必须要在规定的时间内读完这两篇,更好地掌握阅读的节奏是实战准备的第一步。同时这个阶段也有利于巩固你学习到的知识,达到一举多得的效果。 “3”代表三篇拓展阅读,也可理解为泛读或快速阅读。两篇阅读理解,一篇完形填空均选取最新材料原创而成,可以作为你家庭作业或课外阅读使用,以到达集中强化阅读的目的,要想拔高难度,超越他人,就要过好这一关。 “1+2+3”代表了英语阅读练习的三个阶段,即基础能力的巩固,考试能力的培养,拓展能力的提升,这也是你在英语学习中最需要坚持的方法哦!
还在纠结于选择什么样的阅读完形辅导书吗?还在摸索着寻找最系统的阅读文章的方法吗?还在痛苦于如何快速合理地提升阅读能力呢?这里,《英语话题导与练阅读+完形》系列为你提供了答案。 以新课标24个话题功能为主线进行策划编写,彻底摆脱教材版本和地区差异限制的《英语话题导与练阅读+完形》系列,全国独家首创了“1+2+3阅读新模式”,提倡循序渐进、步步提升、重点突破的学习方法。
Topic 1 Personal Information Passage 1 Passage 2 Passage 3 Passage 4 Passage 5 Passage 6Topic 2 Family, Friends and People Around Passage 1 Passage 2 Passage 3 Passage 4 Passage 5 Passage 6Topic 3 Personal Environment Passage 1 Passage 2 Passage 3 Passage 4 Passage 5 Passage 6Topic 4 Daily Routines Passage 1 Passage 2 Passage 3 Passage 4 Passage 5 Passage 6Topic 5 School Life Passage 1 Passage 2 Passage 3 Passage 4 Passage 5 Passage 6Topic 6 Interests and Hobbies Passage 1 Passage 2 Passage 3 Passage 4 Passage 5 Passage 6Topic 7 EmotionsTopic 8 Plans and IntentionsTopic 9 Festivals,Holidays and CelebrationsTopic 10 ShoppingTopic 11 Food and DrinkTopic 12 Weather TestKeys
Do you have the dedication to get up at 3 a.m.? Do you have the courage to climbmountains? Do you have a clear headto stay calm in an emergency? Would you knowwhat to do if somebody broke their leg? Tamsen Bell, an eighteen-year-old girl from California in America, can answer yes toall those questions. She joined the Marine Search and Rescue Team when she was only14 years old——the youngest age you can do this. She trained for 6d hours learning aboutfirst aid~ climbing, map reading and rescue techniques. The training gave her theconfidence to do the job. Now she is one of 20 youth volunteers in the rescue team whosemotto is "Any time, any place, and any weather." They are often called out in the middleof the night to help people who have got into trouble in the wild countryside of California. When Tamsen was 16 years old, she helped to rescue an elderly woman who hadfallen 50 feet down a steep cliff. The woman broke her neck and couldn't move. Tamsenhad to work out what injuries the woman had and how to rescue her. She had to stay withthe lady for 8 hours until the rescue team could lift her carefully back up the mountain tosafety. It's tough work, but Tamsen thinks it's worth it. She says "The best part is thesupport, the friendships and the feeling that everyone on the team wants to make people'slives better." ……