徐雪梅 主编
Module 1 Travel Unit l Unit 2 Unit 3 语法解读与归纳 写作辅导 Module l综合能力检测Module 2 Educatlon Unit l Unit 2 Unit 3 语法解读与归纳 写作辅导 Module 2综合能力检测 Module 3 Now and then Unit l Unit 2 Unit 3 语法解读与归纳 写作辅导 Module 3综合能力检莉Module 4 The way we look Unit l Unit 2 Unit 3 语法解读与归纳 写作辅导 Module 4综合能力检测Module 5 Rules and suggesrlons Unit l Unit 2 Unit 3 语法解读与归纳 写作辅导 Module 5综合能力检测Module 6 Look after yourself Unit l Unit 2 Unit 3 语法解读与归纳 写作辅导 Module 6综合能力检测 Module 7 Eating togerher Unit l Unit 2 Unit 3 语法解读与归纳 写作辅导 Module 7综合能力检测 Module 8 On the town Unit l Unit 2 Unit 3 语法解读与归纳 写作辅导 Module 8综合能力检测 Module 9 English for you and me Unit l Unit 2 Unit 3 语法解读与归纳 写作辅导 Module 9综合能力检测 Module 10 My future life Unit l Unit 2 Unit 3 语法解读与归纳 写作辅导 Module lo综合能力检测 参考答案
Little Tommy was doing very badly in math. Hisparents had tried everything——tutors ( 家庭教师),cards, special learning centers——in short, everythingthey could think of. Finally they took Tommy to acatholic(天主教的 ) school. After the first day, little Tommy came home witha very serious look on his face. He didnt kiss hismother hello. Instead, he went straight to his roomand started studying. Books and papers were spread(铺开) out all over the room and little Tommy washard at work. His mother was surprised. She calledhim down to dinner and as soon as he finished eating,he went back to his room without a word. In no timehe was back hitting the books as hard as before. Thiswent on for some time. day atter day while the mothertried to understand what was happening. Finally, little Tommy brought home his reportcard. He quietly put it on the table and went up to hisroom and hit the books. His morn looked at it and toher surprise, little Tommy got all A in math. Shecould no longer hold her curiosity(好奇心). She wentto his room and asked,"Son,what was it? Was it thenuns(修女) ?"