邢学杰 西南财经大学出版社 (2012-08出版)
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《高等院校“十二五”规划精品教材:国际贸易实务(英文版)》根据最新有关国际贸易的法规和国际惯例,以国际贸易交易的环节为主线,系统介绍了国际贸易各环节的基本知识,并结合国际贸易过程中的各个环节展开详细阐述。主要内容包括国际贸易理论政策的基本知识,国际商务谈判的步骤,国际货物买卖合同的基本条款、国际贸易惯例和国际贸易术语,国际贸易商品条款,出口价格,国际货物运输,国际货物运输保险,国际支付,出口单证及不可抗力、检验和索赔等,内容涵盖了国际贸易的所有交易环节。为适应国际贸易术语变化的新要求,本教材在附录介绍了最新修订的国际贸易术语2010通则的变化内容。全书用英文编写,十大章节,环环相扣,通俗易懂,不仅能让使用者在学习国际贸易实务相关知识的过程中提高英语的表达能力,而且也能让使用者在学习国际贸易实务英语的过程中熟练掌握国际贸易实务基本知识。 《高等院校“十二五”规划精品教材:国际贸易实务(英文版)》结构安排合理,语言通俗易懂,各章配有习题,适用于国际贸易专业及商务英语专业的本科学生和外贸专业人员使用。
Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Instruction of International Trade 1.2 Reasons for International Trade 1.3 Theory of International Trade 1.4 The Instruments of Trade Policy 1.5 Classification of International Trade 1.6 Summary Chapter 2 Business Negotiation and Establishment of Contract 2. 1 Business Negotiation 2. 2 Contents of Contract 2. 3 Performance of the Contract 2. 4 Export and Import Procedures 2. 5 Summary Chapter 3 International Trade Terms 3. 1 Three Sets of Rules 3.2 Rules for any Mode of Transport 3.3 Rules for Sea and Inland Waterway Transport 3.4 Important Notes 3.5 Determinants of Choice of Trade Terms 3.6 Summary Chapter 4 Terms of Commodity 4. 1 Name of Commodity 4. 2 Specifying Quality 4.3 Measuring Quantity 4. 4 Packing and Marking 4. 5 Summary Chapter 5 Export Price 5.1 Expression of Export Price 5.2 Pricing Considerations 5.3 Calculation of Price 5.4 Understanding the Price 5.5 Summary Chapter 6 international Cargo Transport 6. 1 Ocean Transportation 6. 2 Other Modes of Transportation 6.3 Transportation Documents 6. 4 Shipment Clause in the Sales Contract 6.5 Summary Chapter 7 International Cargo Transportation Insurance 7. 1 Fundamental Principles of Cargo Insurance 7.2 Marine Risks and Losses 7.3 Coverage of Marine Cargo Insurance of CIC 7.4 Coverage of Marine Cargo Insurance of ICC 7.5 Other Types of Cargo Insurance 7.6 Procedures of Cargo Insurance 7.7 Insurance Terms in the Sales Contract 7.8 Summary Chapter 8 International Payments 8. 1 Issues in Concern 8.2 Paying Instruments 8.3 Remittance 8.4 Collection 8.5 Basics of Letter of Credit 8.6 Types of Documentary Credit 8.7 Letter of Guarantee (L/G) 8.8 Export Financing 8.9 Payment Problems 8.10 Summary Chapter Export Documentation 9. 1 Significance of Documentation 9.2 Basic Requirements for Documentation 9.3 Prerequisites of Documentation 9.4 Export Documents 9.5 Clause Concerning Documents in the Sales Contract 9.6 Summary Chapter 10 Inspection, Claim, Force Majeure and Arbitration 10. 1 Commodity Inspection 10. 2 Disputes and Claims 10. 3 Force Majeure 10. 4 Arbitration 10. 5 Summary Appendix 1. International Trade Terms 2010 2. UCP 600 Grossary References
版权页: 插图: The seller also contracts for insurance cover against the buyer's risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the carriage. The buyer should note that under CIF the seller is required to obtain insurance only on minimum cover. Should the buyer wish to have more insurance protec tion, it will need either to agree as much expressly with the seller or to make its own extra insurance arrangements. When CPT, CIP, CFR, or CIF are used, the seller fulfils its obligation to deliver when it hands the goods over to the carrier in the manner specified in the chosen rule and not when the goods reach the place of destination. This rule has two critical points, because risk passes and costs are transferred at different places. While the contract will always specify a destination port, it might not specify the port of shipment, which is where risk passes to the buyer. If the 'shipment port is of particular interest to the buyer, the parties are well advised to identify it as precisely as possible in the contract. The parties are well advised to identify as precisely as possible the point at the agreed port of destination, as the costs to that point are for the account of the seller. The seller is advised to procure contracts of carriage that match this choice precisely. If the seller incurs costs under its contract of carriage related to unloading at the specified point at the port of destination, the seller is not entitled to recover such costs from the buyer unless otherwise agreed between the parties. The seller is required either to deliver the goods on board the vessel or to procure goods already so delivered for shipment to the destination. In addition the seller is required either to make a contract of carriage or to procure such a contract. The reference to "procure" here caters for multiple sales down a chain ( ' string sales'), particularly common in the commodity trades. CIF may not be appropriate where goods are handed over to the carrier before they are on board the vessel, for example goods in containers, which are typically delivered at a terminal.In such circumstances, the CIP rule should be used. CIF requires the seller to clear the goodsfor export,, where applicable. However, the seller has no obligation to clear the goods for import, pay any import duty or carry out any import customs formalities.