《英语》(新标准)初中教材是我社依据教育部制定的国家《英语课程标准》在充分调研和科学论证的基础上,与世界著名教育出版机构--英国麦克米伦出版公司共同推出的中小学“一条龙”英语教材--《英语》(新标准)的有机组成部分。为了帮助广大初中学生更快、更好地适应新课程教材的教学要求,我们特聘请初中英语教育专家、优秀教研人员和骨干教师编写了与《英语》(新标准)初中教材配套的《初中英语精讲精练》。 这套书充分体现了国家《英语课程标准》的思想,根据《英语》(新标准)初中教材的特点,与教材的每个模块同步设计,突出基础性、针对性、过程性,并重视语言运用能力的培养,以不同栏目体现学习目标的侧重点和渐进性:“学习目标点击”揭示本模块教学的立足点及目标; “自主探究”帮助学生回顾本模块知识和信息,以利巩固;“巧学活用”对所学重点内容归纳梳理,在新的情境中运用;“视野扩展”提供与本模块话题相关的资料和思考题,实现语言知识和文化信息方面的扩充。书中练习选材精,设计合理,既贴近教材,又从多角度对教材内容进行了扩展。本书还为各模块配编了综合练习,便于学生综合检测和自学巩固。 我们希望这套《初中英语精讲精练》能够成为学生学习《英语》(新标准)初中教材的好助手,帮助学生进一步扩展语言知识、提高语言素养、扩展视野,为自身的终生发展打下坚实的基础。
Module1 HobbiesModule2 FriendshipModule3 On the radioModule4 New technologyModule5 ProblemsMid-term examinationModule6 EntertainmentModule7 Time offModule8 Public holidaysModule9 HeroesModule10 My perfect holidayFinal examinationAnswer key
The weather was very cold. The snow was falling. The roads were covered with iceand a strong wind was blowing. It was not a good night to be outside. Thomas, however, had to walk home from work. He had to walk along a country road.As he walked, the cold wind beat against his chest. "I will be warmer," he thought, "if I wear my coat backwards." He stopped walking for a moment, ~o0k off his coat, and put it back on backwards."Thats much better," he thought, and walked on through the thickly falling snow. A fewminutes later a car hit him. The driver of the car had not seen him soon enough. When hetried to stop, the car skidded on the ice. The driver got out of his car and ran to help Thomas. Soon a police car arrived. The policeman ran to look at Thomas who was lying on theground. "Im afraid he is dead," he told the driver. The driver could not believe this. "He cant be dead," he cried. "I hardly touched him. Look at my car. Theres not amark on it." "Hes dead," the policeman said. "There is no doubt." "I dont understand it," the driver of the car said. "As soon as I hit him, I ran to helphim. He was lying on the road, but he was breathing and there was no blood." "Did you touch him?" the policeman asked. "Yes," the driver of the car said, "but only to turn his head around the right way."
《初中英语精讲精练》是依据《英语》(新标准)初中教材开发的配套教辅产品,全面贯彻国家《英语课程标准》对中学英语学习所提出的各项要求,供教师课堂教学参考、学生自学、自练及复习使用。 特色: 学习目标明确,体系科学。依据国家《英语课程标准》对《英语》(新标准)初中教材在各阶段的学习目标进行了明确细分。 强调自主学习,培养学生主动思考、独立解决问题的能力。 涵盖语言知识、语言技能的各项要求,与教材协调呼应,有利于学生更好地掌握教材规定的各项知识技能。 突出基础性、过程性、针对性,适合各层次学生学习使用。 在教材内容基础上拓展,帮助学生生阔视野,增强学习英语的兴趣 “精讲”之后配有“精练”,帮助学生检测所学知识,增强学习自信心和成就感。