孙太群 等 著
20世纪下半叶以来,经济全球化所导致的文化和语言的全球化已成为势不可挡的一股潮流。在全世界5(300多种语言中,英语已成为一种多国、多文化、多民族、多功能的世界通用语言。哲学家海德格尔说:“语言是存在之居所。”语言学家钱冠连认为:“语言是人类最后的家园。”那么,在我们的存在之居所、精神之家园中,民族文化如何传承?大学应担负何种使命?我国高校英语教育到底又该如何切入与发展呢? 全球化是当今时代最重要的社会现象,也是每一个国家和民族都必须面对的现实。在英语国际化的背景下,如何合理地设置英语课程,直接关系到国家外语方针的贯彻、人才培养目标能否实现等问题。以色列著名语言学家BernardSpolsky认为,亚洲各国应根据本土实际情况来制定教学目标和方针。他说:“在全球化的进程中,亚洲各国要根据各自的实际情况来制定符合本国英语教学和其他重要语言教学的目标和方针……过去人们总是以英美国家的教学目标和方针作为蓝本,现在我们不能再这样做了。英美国家无权,也不可能决定亚洲各国应该怎么教英语……现在将英语作为第二语言或外语的人群要比将英语当成第一语言的人群大得多……各国国情不同,使用英语的目的也不尽相同,根据国情来制定本国的教学目标和方针才是明智的……”(郑新民,2006:77)新加坡前任联合国大使说:“在国外,当开口讲英语的时候,我希望我的同胞能轻易地辨认出我是新加坡人。” 长期以来,我国的英语教育撇开母语及母语文化而独行,无论是英语教育大纲的制定者,还是外语教育工作者,对母语及母语文化在外语教学中所起的作用都缺乏足够的认识,过多地强调母语在英语学习中的负迁移,错误地认为英语学习就是要摆脱母语的影响。事实上,语言是有共性的,世间万物之间既有矛盾的一面,又有统一的一面。语言的共性决定了母语既是英语学习不可缺少的基础,又是可以利用的资源之一,这也是英语学习中母语正迁移的作用所在。
Chapter One China in General and Its Symbol1.1 A Brief Introduction of China1.2 Great Symbol Dragon (Long)Exercise OneChapter Two Ancient Chinese ttistory2.1 Prehistoric Times2.2 Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties2.3 Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period2.4 Qin Dynasty2.5 Han Dynasty2.6 Three Kingdoms2.7 Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties2.8 Sui and Tang Dynasties2.9 Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms2.10 Song Dynasty2.11 Yuan, Ming and Qing DynastiesExercise TwoChapter Three Modern and Contemporary Chinese History3.1 Republic of China3.2 People's Republic of ChinaExercise ThreeChapter Four Chinese Philosophy and Religions4.1 Philosophy4.2 ReligionsExercise FourChapter Five Chinese Language, Characters and Inventions5.1 Language5.2 Characters5.3 Four Great InventionsExercise FiveChapter Six Chinese Literature6.1 Mythology6.2 Legends6.3 Literature of Pre-Qin Period6.4 Literature o~ Han Dynasty6.5 Literature from Tang and Song to Yuan Dynasty6.6 Fiction in Ming and Qing Dynasties6.7 Modern and Contemporary LiteratureExercise SixChapter Seven Chinese Art7.1 Calligraphy and Painting7.2 Opera7.3 Music and Dance7.4 HandicraftExercise SevenChapter Eight Chinese Architecture8.1 Development of Chinese Architecture8.2 Classifications of Chinese Architecture8.3 General Features of Chinese Architecture8.4 Unique Architecture in ChinaExercise EightChapter Nine Chinese Clothing and Diet9.1 Traditional Dress9.2 Modern and Contemporary Clothing9.3 Wine and Alcohol9.4 Tea9.5 Food and Food CultureExercise NineChapter Ten Popular Traditional Chinese Festivals10.1 Spring Festival10.2 Lantern Festival10.3 Tomb-Sweeping Day10.4 Dragon Boat Festival10.5 Double Seventh Festival10.6 Mid-Autumn Festival10.7 Double Ninth FestivalExercise TenChapter Eleven An Overview of Chinese Education11.1 Ancient Chinese Education11.2 Today's Chinese EducationExercise ElevenSupplementary Reading An Overview of Putian CityAppendix 1 Chronological Chart of Chinese DynastiesAppendix 2 Map of the WorldAppendix 3 Map of ChinaKey References后记
Clever and deft craftspeople are remarkably good at cutting, using the themes of daily life. Their works remain true-to-life expressions of the figure's sentiment and appearance, or they are a realistic portrayal of plants and animals' diverse actions. Although other art forms, like painting, can also show similar scenes, papercutting still stands out for its charm, with exact lines and ingenious patterns that are all hand-made. Chinese culture has always tried to imbue symbolism in many things. Papercuts are no ex-ception. They can reflect many aspects of life, like a prosperous atmos-phere, healthy people and a bountiful harvest year. For example, for a wed-ding ceremony, a cutting of two big red characters Xi, meaning "doublehappiness", is a traditional "must" and a required decoration on the tea set,the dressing table glass, the newlyweds' door and other furniture to indicatethe merry atmosphere. ……