郭继荣,郑四方 主编
创新是一个民族的灵魂,也是高层次人才水平的集中体现。因此,创新能力的培养应贯穿于研究生培养的各个环节,包括课程学习、文献阅读、课题研究等。文献阅读与课题研究无疑是培养研究生创新能力的重要手段,同样,课程学习也是培养研究生创新能力的重要环节。通过课程学习,使研究生在教师指导下,获取知识的同时理解知识创新过程与创新方法,对培养研究生创新能力具有极其重要的意义。 西安交通大学研究生院围绕研究生创新意识与创新能力改革研究生课程体系的同时,开设了一批研究型课程,支持编写了一批研究型课程的教材,目的是为了推动在课程教学环节加强研究生创新意识与创新能力的培养,进一步提高研究生培养质量。 研究型课程是指以激发研究生批判性思维、创新意识为主要目标,由具有高学术水平的教授作为任课教师参与指导,以本学科领域最新研究和前沿知识为内容,以探索式的教学方式为主导,适合于师生互动,使学生有更大的思维空间的课程。研究型教材应使学生在学习过程中可以掌握最新的科学知识,了解最新的前沿动态,激发研究生科学研究的兴趣,掌握基本的科学方法,把教师为中心的教学模式转变为以学生为中心教师为主导的教学模式,把学生被动接受知识转变为在探索研究与自主学习中掌握知识和培养能力。 出版研究型课程系列教材,是一项探索性的工作,有许多艰苦的工作。虽然已出版的教材凝聚了作者的大量心血,但毕竟是一项在实践中不断完善的工作。我们深信,通过研究型系列教材的出版与完善,必定能够促进研究生创新能力的培养。
随着经济的全球化和国际交流的日益增强,提高学生的语言应用能力已经成为各高校外语教师关注的重点。“研究生创新教育英语系列教材”之《综合英语》教材的编写正是按照教育部《非英语专业研究生英语(第一外语)教学大纲》制订的教学目标,以语言基础为主,培养学生语言应用能力;以阅读为出发点,对学生进行听、说、读、写、译等综合技能的训练,巩固和提高学生的语言基础知识和语言应用技能,全面提高学生综合应用语言的能力。 《综合英语》的编写从学生的实际出发,以大学英语四级水平为起点,遵循了循序渐进的规律。教材分为Ⅰ,Ⅱ两册并备有配套的教师用书,涵盖研究生教学的基础阶段,也可以相对独立地选择使用,因而可以更具针对性地进行教学。 《综合英语》选材广泛、新颖,内容与时俱进,既涉及到当今社会的许多热门话题,如社会、经济、教育、文化及科技,又包含了原汁原味的文学作品,更穿插有励志、节能、探月等新兴主题。一方面体现了很强的实用性和学术性,另一方面又极具可读性和趣味性。同时,文章思想内容深刻,适合在研究生阶段的英语学习中进行讨论式教学,以达到激活思想、启迪思维的目的。
Unit 1 Text A Putting in a Good Word for Guilt Text B AmbitionUnit 2 Text A In the Beginning: God and Science Text B Science and ReligionUnit 3 Text A Privacy and Property on the Net Text B Looking for Community on the InternetUnit4 Text A America and Americans Text B The Two Nations--the Other AmericaUnit 5 Text A Escaping to Ireland for Christmas Text B A Florida of Swamps and SilencesUnit 6 Text A On the Sense of Humor Text B Confession of a HumoristUnit 7 Text A Adopters of Chinese Also Adopt Culture Text B Top U.S. Soap BombsUnit 8 Text A Oolly's False Legacy Text B The Issue of Human CloningUnit 9 Text A A Dawning New Age Text B Changing the EmphasisUnit 10 Text A Ethics in Business Text B The Dream of Mr. CleanUnit 11 Text A The Male Beauty Myth Text B Who Is the Real Face of Plastic Surgery?Unit 12 Text A The Spirits of Cambridge Text B Is Harvard Worth It?Glossary
There was a popular notion, in fact, that self-love began by slayingone‘s guilt. People all around us spent a great portion of the last decadetrying to tune out guilt instead of decoding its message and learning whatit was trying to tell us. With that sort of success, guilt was ripe for revival. Somewherealong the I’m-okay-you‘re-okay way, many of us realized that, in fact, Iam not always okay and neither are you. Furthermore, we did not wantto join the legions who conquered their guilt en route to new depths ofnarcissistic rottenness. At the deepest, most devastating level, guilt is the criminal in us thatlongs to be caught. It is the horrible, pit-of-the-stomach sense of havingdone wrong. It is, as Lady Macbeth obsessively knew, the spot that noone else may see.., and we can’t see around. To be without guilt is to be without a conscience. Guilt-free peopledon‘t feel bad when they cause pain to others, and so they go on guilt-freely causing more pain. The last thing we need more of is lessconscience. Freud once said, “As regards conscience, God has done an unevenand careless piece of work, for a large majority of men have broughtalong with them only a modest amount of it, or scarcely enough to beworth mentioning.” 10Now, I am not suggesting that we all sign up for a new guilt trip. Butthere has to be some line between the accusation that we all should feelguilty for, say, poverty or racism and the assertion that the oppressedhave “chosen” their lot in life.