徐勇戈 编
高等学校工程管理专业是教育部1998年颁布的《普通高等学校本科专业目录》中设置的专业,是在整合原“建筑管理工程”、“国际工程管理”、“基本建设投资管理”及“房地产经营管理”等专业的基础上形成的,具有很强的综合性和较大的专业覆盖范围,主要研究工程项目建设过程中的计划、组织、指挥、控制、协调与资源配置等管理问题。工程管理专业旨在为国家经济建设和社会发展培养掌握土木工程技术、管理学、经济学及相关法律法规知识,掌握现代工程项目管理的理论、方法与手段,具备综合运用所学知识在国内外工程建设领域从事建设项目全过程的投资、进度、质量控制及合同管理、信息管理和组织协调能力的复合型高级管理人才。 随着我国建筑业、房地产业在国民经济中地位和作用的日益突显,工程管理人才需求呈明显增长趋势,同时也对工程管理专业毕业生提出了更高的要求。因此,如何进一步提高人才培养质量成为设置工程管理专业的高等学校面临的重要课题。而高水平的专业教材作为实现人才培养目标的载体,必将对人才培养质量的提高发挥重要作用。 西安建筑科技大学是全国最早设立工程管理专业的院校之一,该专业于1999年首批通过了“全国工程管理专业评估委员会”的评估,2004年和2009年分另4以全票通过复评;2004年该专业被评为陕西省名牌专业;2008年又被评为国家级特色专业。
《工程管理专业英语》素材取自国外近年来年工程管理各个领域的经典教材、著作、论文及计算机网络信息,内容涉及工程管理各领域当前的状况和最新进展。《工程管理专业英语》内容新颖、覆盖面广、系统性强、可读性好,是学习工程管理专业英语的实用教材。 《工程管理专业英语》既可作为高等院校的工程管理、造价管理及相关专业的教材,也可作为成人教育、网络教育的相关专业教材,还可作为工程管理专业人士及其他有兴趣人员的学习参考读物。
Chapter 1 The Owners Perspective1.1 The Project Life Cycle1.2 Major Types of Construction1.3 Selection of Professional ServicesStudy and PracticesChapter 2 Organizing for Project Management2.1 What is Project Management2.2 Professional Construction Management2.3 Leadership and Motivation for the Project Team2.4 Perceptions of Owners and ContractorsStudy and PracticesChapter 3 Labor, Material and Equipment Utilization3.1 Factors Affecting Job-Site Productivity3.2 Material Procurement and Delivery3.3 Construction EquipmentStudy and PracticesChapter 4 Economic Evaluation of Facility Investments4.1 Basic Concepts of Economic Evaluation4.2 Investment Profit Measures4.3 Methods of Economic EvaluationStudy and PracticesChapter 5 Bidding and Tendering of Construction Projects5. 1 Bidding Procedure of Construction Projects5.2 How to Bid on Projects in Competitive BiddingStudy and PracticesChapter 6 Contract Management of Construction Projects6.1 Types of Agreements6.2 The Parties of Contract6.3 Changes in ContractStudy and PracticesChapter 7 Legal Basis of International Projects7.1 Introduction of International Conditions of Contract7.2 Bonds and Insurance7.3 Claims and Disputes Study and PracticesChapter 8 Construction Planning8.1 Basic Concepts in the Development of Construction Plans8.2 Defining Work Tasks8.3 Defining Precedence Relationships Among ActivitiesStudy and PracticesChapter 9 Time Control for Construction Projects9.1 The Critical Path Method9.2 Activity Float and Schedules9.3 Presenting Project Schedules9.4 Scheduling with Uncertain DurationsStudy and PracticesChapter 10 Cost Control for Construction Projects10.1 Strategy of Cost Control10.2 Schedule and Budget Updates10.3 Relating Cost and Schedule InformationStudy and PracticesChapter 11 Quality Control and Safety During Construction11.1 Quality and Safety Concerns in Construction11.2 Total Quality Control11.3 Quality Control by Statistical Methods11.4 SafetyStudy and PracticesChapter 12 Organization and Use of Project Information12.1 Types of Project Information12.2 Computerized Organization and Use of Information12.3 Relational Model of Databases12.4 Information Transfer and FlowStudy and PracticesAppendix 1 GlossaryAppendix 2 Translation for Specialty EnglishAppendix 3 Project Management World Wide Web Sites
A common trend in industrial construction, particularly for large projects, is to engage the services of a design/construct firm. By integrating design and construction management in a single organization, many of the conflicts between designers and constructors might be avoided. In particular, designs will beclosely scrutinized for their constructibility. However, an owner engaging a design/construct firm must insure that the quality of the constructed facility is not sacrificed by the desire to reduce the time or the cost for completing the project. Also, it is difficult to make use of competitive bidding in this type of design/construct process. As a result, owners must be relatively sophisticated in negotiating realistic and cost-effective construction contracts. One of the most obvious advantages of the integrated design/construct process is the use of phased construction for a large project. In this process, the project is divided up into several phases, each of which can be designed and constructed in a staggered manner. After the completion of the design of the first phase, construction can begin without waiting for the completion of the design of the second phase, etc. If proper coordination is exercised, the total project duration can be greatly reduced. Another advantage is to exploit the possibility of using the turnkey approach whereby an owner can delegate all responsibility to the design/construct firm which will deliver to the owner a completed facility that meets the performance specifications at the specified price7. Professional Construction Managers In recent years, a new breed of construction managers (CM) offers professional services from the inception to the completion of a construction project. These construction managers mostly come from the ranks o~ A/E firms or general contractors who may or may not retain dual roles in the service of the owners. In any case, the owner can rely on the service of a single prime professional to manage the entire process Of a construction project.