“新世纪专业英语系列教材”自2003年出版以来在全国高校使用了6年.受到国内专家学者及广大教师和学生的好评,其中《工商管理英语教材》被列入教育部“普通高等教育‘十一五’国家级规划教材”。 为更好地推进专业英语教学,强化使用效果,编者们遵循教育部《大学英语课程教学要求》(以下简称《课程要求》),结合实际使用中的反馈意见,经过近2年认真仔细地调整与策划。对第1版进行了修订与补充,并在原有基础上增补了6个品种,推出“新世纪专业英语系列教材”(第2版)(总计13种)。 一、编写与修订依据 为适应我国高等教育发展的新形势,满足新时期国家和社会对人才培养的需要,教育部高教司于2007年7月颁布了《课程要求》。
Unit 1 An Introduction to AccountingAdditional Reading: Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and Or ganizations Concerned with GAAPUnit 2 The Balance SheetAdditional Reading: Effects of Business Transactions upon the Balance SheetUnit 3 The Profit and Loss Account (Income Statement)Additional Reading: Preparation of Income StatementsUnit 4 The Cash Flow StatementAdditional Reading: Statement of ChangesUnit 5 Tools of AnalysisAdditional Reading: Horizontal Analysis and Vertical AnalysUnit 6 Financial Ratio AnalysisAdditional Reading: Inflation and Financial StatementsUnit 7 Cost FlowAdditional Reading: Production ReportUnit 8 Cost-Volume-Profit AnalysisAdditional Reading: The Analysis of Mixed CostsUnit 9 Responsibility Accounting SystemAdditional Reading: Responsibility Accounting CentersUnit 10 Multinational Financial ManagementAdditional Reading: Currency FuturesAppendix Ⅰ Reference Translation of the Main TextsAppendix Ⅱ Key to the ExercisesAppendix Ⅲ TapescriptsAppendix Ⅳ Glossary
To assure widespread acceptance of new accounting standards, the FASBneeds the support of the SEC. Therefore, the two organizations work closelytogether in developing new accounting standards. The SEC also reviews thefinancial statements of publicly owned corporations to assure compliance with itsreporting requirements. In the event that a publicly owned corporation fails tocomply with these requirements, the SEC may initiate legal action against thecompany and the responsible individuals. Thus, the SEC"enforces" compliancewith generally accepted accounting principles. American Accounting Association (AAA) The AAA is comprised primarily ofaccounting educators. "The Association has sponsored a number of researchstudies and monographs in which individual authors and Association committeeshave taken positions on various accounting issues. However, the AAA does nothave any official authority to impose its views; its influence stems only from theprestige of its authors and the persuasiveness of their arguments. The AAA also sponsors the Accounting Education Change Commission,which currently is seeking new and innovative ways to enhance accountingeducation. "Authoritative Support" for Accounting Principles To qualify as "generallyaccepted," an accounting principle must have "substantial authoritative support"Principles, standards, and rules set forth by the officialrule-making bodies of theaccounting profession, such as the FASB, automatically qualify as generallyaccepted accounting principles. However, many concepts and practices gainsubstantial authoritative support from unofficial sources, such as widespread useor recognition in textbooks and other "unofficial" accounting literature. Thus,the phrase "generally accepted accounting principles" includes more concepts andpractices than appear in the "official" literature.
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