听知认之 六级英语频度听力
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教育部在2005年颁布的《全国大学英语四、六级考试改革方案》中强调指出:大学英语四、六级考试改革的目标就是要更准确地考核我国在校大学生的英语综合应用能力,尤其是听说能力。现行四、六级考试中听力理解所占的比例由原来的20%提高到35%,而在即将到来的“机考”时代,听力的重要性就更加突显了。本书就是为了适应这个形势而编写的。常规的六级听力练习枯燥无味,很难让读者有兴趣坚持下去,而本书完全不同于其他的六级听力书,具体特点如下: 一、 话题编排科学 作者分析了自2006年12月第一次到最新一次六级考试真题的听力材料,其类型主要涉及经济、社会、教育、科技等10个方面。按照分析结果,将出现频率最高的话题类型放在第一单元,以此降序排列。本书所选材料的长度、难度力求与真题保持一致,学习者在进行训练时犹如实战,帮助考生有重点、有方向地进行练习。
Unit 1 Economy and Trade(Ⅰ)经贸论坛(一)Section AShort ConversationsLong ConversationsSection BPassage One Behind the Price of Rice粮食价格的背后Passage Two G-20 Leaders Promise Measures to Fight Global Recession二十国集团领导人集中应对全球经济危机Passage Three The Economic Growth and Unemployment经济增长与失业小议Section CCompound Dictation GM Went to the Bankruptcy Court通用汽车走向破产法庭Unit 2 Economy and Trade(Ⅱ)经贸论坛(二)Section AShort ConversationsLong ConversationsSection BPassage One Shrink,This Year?今年经济会萎缩吗?Passage Two The Price of Oil Has Rocketed Up石油价格迅猛增长Passage Three The Economic Crisis and the World Trade经济危机与世界贸易Section CCompound Dictation The New Economic Recovery Plan经济复苏新方案Unit 3 Hot Spots 焦点时刻Section AShort ConversationsLong ConversationsSection BPassage One Women,Halfthe Sky妇女半边天Passage Two To Reduce the Use of Tobacco一起抵制香炯吧Passage Three Be Charged with Five Crimes被指控五项罪名Section CCompound Dictation obama Wins the Nobel Peace Prize奥巴马喜获诺贝尔和平奖Unit 4 Education 菁菁校园Section AShort ConversationsLong ConversationsSection BPassage One The High Dropout Rate 高辍学率,我们该如何面对Passage Two Universities in Britain谈英国的大学Passage Three Writing College Papers该如何写论文呢?Section CCompound Dictation Job Hunting,a Rough Road to Go求职,好一段坎坷路Unit 5 Science and Technology 科技人生Section AShort ConversationsLong ConversationsSection BPassage One Deaths Linked to Alcohol死亡与饮酒Passage Two Getting Inside of the Mind of a Baby进入宝宝的思维Passage Three Climate Change Causes Tree Deaths气候变化:树木杀手Section CCompound Dictation Biodegradable Mobile Phones生物可降解手机Unit 6 Career 职场生涯Section AShort ConversationsLong ConversationsSection BPassage One In New Jersey, a Summer Jobs Program with a Bigger Purpose新泽西没立夏季就业项目Passage Two Studying in the US:Foreign Graduates and Jobs学存美国留学生与就业Passage Three Studying in the US:The Job Market学在美国就业市场Section CCompound Dictation How Much Do Professors Earn in the United States?美国教授能赚多少呢?Unit 7 Enviromental Protection 保护我们的家园Section AShort ConversationsLong ConversationsSection BPassage One Arctic Sea Ice Shrinks Less This Year今年北冰洋冰面缩减幅度减小Passage Two A Solar Water Heater太阳能热水器Passage Three Cooking Meals with the Sun太阳“煮饭”Section CCompound Dictation Energy-Saving Way to Recycle Bottles into Drinking Glasses节省能源:饮料瓶循环利用变水杯Unit 8 Languages 快乐学英语Section AShort ConversationsLong ConversationsSection BPassage One Famous Sayings about Love,War and Other Issues谚语:爱情,战争Passage Two Dog Talk:Every Dog Has His Day狗说:我也有属于我的那一天Passage Three Green:More Than Just a Color绿色:不单单是个颜色Section CCompound Dictation Colors:Im Feeling Very Blue Today颜色词:我的心情是“蓝色的”Unit 9Health Care 健康生活新主张Section AShort ConversationsLong ConversationsSection BPassage One New Ways for Poor Countries to Diagnose Infectious Diseases贫穷国家诊断传染病的新方法……Unit 10 Different Cultures 异域风情Unit 11 Everyday Life 放眼看世界Unit 12 Life on the Road 漫漫人生Unit 13 Laws and Rules 法律纵横谈Unit 14 Figures 人物杂志Unit 15 Amusement Circles 娱乐圈
A critic once described Miller as an activist for the common man. He demonstrates this well in one of his most famous plays Death of a Salesman. The main character is a man whose dreams of success in business have died. This great play, opened on Broadway in nineteen forty-nine. He was thirty-three years old when he wrote it. Death of a Salesman questions the pressures in American society for people to gain financial success. The play also continues his exploration of the relationships between fathers and sons. The central character in Death of a Salesman is sixty-year-old Willy Loman. The action opens on the last day of Willys life. He has been dismissed from his job as a traveling salesman. He also recognizes that he has failed as a father. Willy thinks about killing himself. Willys wife Linda understands that he is deeply and dangerously sad. But their son Biff criticizes his fathers strange actions.Question 1 How old was Arthur Miller when he died?Question 2 Which of the following is not among the awards won by Arthur Miller?Question 3 What did Arthur Miller describe in his play?Question 4 What did Arthur Miller question in Death of a Salesman? Passage Three The nineteen ninety-seven movie Titanic is a record breaker in several ways. Ten years ago, it was the most costly movie ever made. Titanic has earned more money than any other movie in history. And it received eleven Academy Awards. The fihn tells the tragic story of the huge British passenger ship that sank in nineteen twelve. The Titanic was built to be a fine example of modern technology, It was the largest ship ever made. It was considered unsinkable. It was sailing on its very first trip from England to New York with many rich and famous people on board.
让六级听力时尚起来吧! 单元编排:六级听力高频话题,材料精选:VOA,BBC,雅思,托福。