深圳市艺力文化发展有限公司 编
Among all the dazzling design elements that buildup a modern world of color and diversity, there issuch a way of art, It can be the simpfest sign thattells the most; it can be the most conclusive wordthat explains the best: it can be as whimsical as acareless sketch; and it can be as penetrating as astrong light It is logo.As a symbol and also a way of communication, logoshows us its charm and strong vitality It can be seenalmost everywhere in our daily life, be it a street,a shopping mall, a restaurent, or lust a little cornerdown the road. Actually, logo has come to be suchan indispensibfe part of our life that to talk aboutits meaning and importance here may be a platitudeto many of us. However, to help more people getto know better about this one of the most familiarand important design elements, and for those whoalways try to draw inspirations from works of others,we present this book “Logo Talks”.
Among all the dazzling design elements that buildup a modern world of color and diversity, there issuch a way of art, It can be the simpfest sign thattells the most; it can be the most conclusive wordthat explains the best: it can be as whimsical as acareless sketch; and it can be as penetrating as astrong light It is logo.As a symbol and also a way of communication, logoshows us its charm and strong vitality It can be seenalmost everywhere in our daily life, be it a street,a shopping mall, a restaurent, or lust a little cornerdown the road. Actually, logo has come to be suchan indispensibfe part of our life that to talk aboutits meaning and importance here may be a platitudeto many of us. However, to help more people getto know better about this one of the most familiarand important design elements, and for those whoalways try to draw inspirations from works of others,we present this book “Logo Talks”.
Alphabet ArmKaloian ToshevLitoimagenMikhail KaragezyanJohana PscheidtovaAnton saputra Felix Susanto Edison ChowMike SpeeroSTATE (formerly known as Techneo)Gustavo VandoniIcono Seis SA de CVDmitry GalsanArnas GoldbergasMark BrooksPaul GardnerJoan Pons MollKamila SzadajRichard BairdSebastian GaginIrina BatkovaRudy Hurtado Global BrandinVladimir MijatovicMarco de ObaldiaPeter VasvariGiedrius CibulskisRuslan KhasanovPhilipp ZurmN0rnbergTadas Vincaitis (nickname - Plugas )Michele ZamparoRichard ScottJovan Obradovic ShpiraScott LambertFabian MarchinkoLukeSFSrdjan KirticWizmaya Design StudioLundgren+LindqvistMuamer ADILOVICFlorin CapotaArtem Sukhanov (aka KIood)LOGONISEMEAdmix DesignsBao NguyenPrzmyslaw PustelnyAlex MatveevNils CarlsonStig TaftoCleber FariaMiroslav VujovicIvaylo NikolovDenis WongStefan VasilevKRFX KZKMlllShenzhen THREE advertisement Co LtdEmilia FiedorowiczEvgeny GrigorievVictor SokolovPyramis Pitertsev Mikhailzazdesign graphic labCraig Scott RussellAndrea zemanEd PriceAnthony LaneEmrah Eski