100 Classic Chinese Poems 经典中国诗词100首
裘小龙 著
The poems of the Tang dynasty (618-907) and the Song dynasty (960-1279) mark the twin peaks in classical Chinese literature. Even today, poets such as Li Bai, Du Fu, Wang Wei, Bai Juyi, Li Shangyin, Su Shi, Xin Qiji and Li Qingzhao are still commonly read as an integrated part of Chinese culture. A number of characteristics and factors contribute to the significance of the Tang and Song poetry, but one of the most salient lies in the evocation and suggestion through its organic imagery structure. In traditional Chinese poetics, it is "yijing", which practically defies translation, but it may be said as something close to "the world of meanings through images." Most of these poems are short, with only four or eight lines in length, and each line consisting of five or seven characters, but it is through the subtle, suggestive, and substantial images——with the syntax flexibility and in the spatial form, whether juxtaposed with statement or not——that the Tang and Song poetry succeeds in speaking through the centuries, echoing with inexhaustible responses from readers in China, as well as elsewhere in the world.
The poems of the Tang dynasty (618-907) and the Song dynasty (960-1279) mark the twin peaks in classical Chinese literature. Even today, poets such as Li Bai, Du Fu, Wang Wei, Bai Juyi, Li Shangyin, Su Shi, Xin Qiji and Li Qingzhao are still commonly read as an integrated part of Chinese culture. This volume presents more than a hundred celebrated poems selected out of the Tang and Song dynasties ,translated into English by Dr. Qiu Xiaolong, himself a renowned, award-winning bilingual poet. For a unique effect, each poem here is matched with a classical painting, corresponding to the traditional poetics of yijing——"the world of meanings through images", so the reader may enjoy a special, advantageous entrance into the world of classical Chinese poetry.
The Tang and Song lyrical poems in this volume are carethllyselected. With a poets eye and ear, Xiaotong Qiu rendered theminto poetry in English. The translations are elegant, supple,evocative, and above all, remarkably faithful to the original.Together they make a marvelous book. ——Ha Jin, Author of Waiting Such as the joy of reuniting with old friends, sorrow at parting fromthem, loneliness and homesickness while on the road. and of course, love. ——Cameron Campbell. Professorof Sociology, UCLA Qiu Xialongs lines echo with the distilled beauty and emotion ofthe most magical epoch of Chinese poetry. Wu Wenying asks:"Why should the heavens be so mean. holding back the message ofthe spring?" In rendering this glorious art, we have lost as little aspossible in translation and arc fortunate to have a translator who holds nothing back. ——Howard French. The New York Times Shanghai Bureau Chief
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