本书不但向读者介绍美国的社会文化知识,而且将传授知识与英语语言学习有机结合起来,将提高学生获取信息的能力与分析判断能力紧密结合起来,力求创出特色。 本书分别从政治、教育、宗教、西部、娱乐、节日和礼节等美国典型的方面编写,共9个单元,每个单元有4到6篇文章,内容翔实,深入浅出。文章后配有生词解释,便于读者阅读;背景介绍是对文章内容的简单介绍;注释部分是对课文知识的扩充,使读者对文章有更加深入全面的理解;最后是针对文章内容供读者思考的问题,给读者以思考的空间,通过思考题增强对知识点的理解,巩固文章内容。
Unit 1 Politics政治 1.The Constitution宪法 2.American Democracy美国民主 3.Government Framework政府组织 4.Political Parties政党 5.Presidency总统Unit 2 Education教育 6.Education System教育系统 7.Colorful School-life丰富多彩的校园生活 8.Education Issue教育中的问题 9.Famous Colleges著名高等学府Unit 3 Historical Events历史性事件 10.The American War of Independence美国独立战争 11.Amerzcan Civil War美国内战 12.Great Depression大萧条 13.The Vietnam War越战Unit 4 Religion宗教 14.Contemporary American Religion当今美国宗教 15.Main Churches主要教派16.Rituals and Practices of Different Churches不同的教派仪式 17.Religious Movements宗教运动 18.Famous Religious Figures著名宗教人物Unit 5 The Great West美国西部 19.General History历史概述 20.Famous Western Cities西部著名城市 21.Cowboys西部牛仔 22.Native Americans土著印第安人Unit 6 Entertainment大众娱乐 23.Mass Media大众媒体 24.Music音乐 25.Sports体育运动 26.Movie and TV Series电影和电视节目Unit 7 Holidays节日 27.Thanksgiving Day感恩节 28.Halloween万圣节 29.Christmas Day圣诞节 30.Other Important Holidays其他重要节日Unit 8 Etiquette礼节 31.Marriage婚礼 32.Funeral葬礼 33.Common Manners in Daily Life日常生活礼节 34.Taboos禁忌Unit 9 World-famous Enterprises世界知名企业 35.Microsoft Corporation微软公司 36.Coca-Cola可口可乐 37.Wal-Mart Corporation沃尔玛公司 38.Nike Sportswear耐克运动服装 39.McDonald’s and KFC麦当劳和肯德基 40.General Motors Corporation(CGM)通用汽车公司
In the world, every country has its own constitutional law, nomatter what it is, written or unwritten. GeneraliZe speaking, in acountrys legal system, its constitutional law is the fundamental law,which has supreme legal authority and, in legal form, defines thebasic system and basic tasks of the country. Here is about the Constitution which is the fundamental law of the U. S. federal system ofgovernment and a landmark document of the Western world. It is theoldest written national constitution in operation, completed in 1787 atthe Constitutional Convention1 of 55 delegates who met in Philaflelphia2 , ostensibly to amend the Articles of Confederation. The Constitution was ratified in June 1788, but because, ratification in manystates was contingent on the promised addition of a Bill of Rights ,Congress4 proposed 12 amendments in September 1789; 10 were ratified by the states, and their adoption was certified on Dec. 15, 1791.The framers were especially concerned with limitiag the power of thegovernment and securing the liberty of citizens. The Constitutionsseparation of the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government, the checks and balances of each branch against the other,and the explicit guarantees of individual liberty were all designed tostrike a balance between authority and liberty.