为配合广大高中学生迎接高考,根据国家教育部颁布的《中学英语教学大纲》、《全日制高级中学英语教科书》以及近几年全国各地高考英语试卷,作者精心编写了本书。 完形填空这个考试项目几乎是全国各地高考英语试卷中的必考项目。这个考项是对学生英语学习整体水平的一个检测,它不仅涵盖了词汇测试,还隐含着语法测试,学生在做完形填空这个类型的题目时,需要运用自己的阅读理解、逻辑分析等综合能力。 全书由100篇精选短文组成,每篇短文设置了20道完形填空题目,共计2000题,难易程度达到大纲要求,书末附有参考答案。编者在挑选短文时,力求将时尚与传统、知识与趣味有机地结合起来,学生在阅读、理解这些短文的同时,无意中拓宽了自己的知识面,增长了见识,可谓一举两得。
第一部分 完形填空2000题第二部分 参考答案
English is a global language __1__all over the world. One__2__ five of the worlds population has some basic __3__ ofEnglish. 85% of emails are written in English. 90% of all theinformation stored in__4__is in English. By 2010 the number ofpeople who speak English as a second or foreign language will__5__ the number of native speakers. Therefore to learn English isto learn how to__6__ an outside world that is rapidly enteringChina in __7__ ways. Yes, there is a need in schools to testEnglish through exams but a greater emphasis should be__8__English as a communicative tool to be used __9__ a Subject to bestudied. Grammar has a place in teaching and it is ___10__ to learnwhat __11__ a language and how that language is structured, butwords are placed in sentences and sentences are __12__ incommunication. Communication in English learning is the key andto communicate we must first listen and speak, which is how welearnt our mother tongue. "Dumb English" must be __13__ "Smart English" where brainand tongue are both __14__ used together. Chinese teachers ofEnglish have a __15__ to teach their students correct English thatis more student-centered than teacher-centered. This __16__should incorporate the latest technology that utilizes all thestudents__17__ and interest rather than boring its audience into a__18__ and non-learning state. Language is not neutral and comesto us with a cultural and __19__ background which can be used tomake English come __20__ because English is a living language.
质量还不错 但答案不详细