陈俊华,欧玲,黄小勇 编
2004年,教育部颁布了《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》,对大学阶段英语课程教学提出了新的标准,教学要求分三个层次,即一般要求、较高要求、更高要求。其中一般要求就是目前国家四级考试的要求,是每个大学毕业生必须达到的目标。一般要求对阅读理解能力的描述是:能基本读懂一般性题材的英文文章,阅读速度达到每分钟70词,在快速阅读篇幅较长、难度略低的材料时,阅读速度达到每分钟100词,能基本读懂国内英文报刊,掌握中心意思,理解主要事实和细节,能读懂工作、生活中常见的应用文体的材料,能在阅读中使用有效的阅读方法。2005年2月教育部提出四、六级改革,同时推出改革时间表,即2005年6月份改用新的记分制,2006年1月在180所试点院校启用新题型,2006年6月份在全国全面展开。 改革后的四、六级考试对阅读提出了新的要求:阅读的比重由传统的40%下降到35%;题型由传统的4篇精读型阅读改革为多种题型,即仔细阅读、快速阅读理解,而仔细阅读理解部分又分为篇章阅读理解和词汇理解,它们分别以多项选择和选词填空的形式进行,快速阅读理解以是非判断和句子填空或者其他的形式如多项选择进行。 仔细阅读理解部分基本上类似于传统的阅读理解部分,与目前的托福考试中的阅读理解极为相似,分为篇章和词汇两大部分;快速阅读理解部分的考试是对应于上述《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》中阅读技能的考核,即“在快速阅读篇幅较长、难度略低的材料时,阅读速度达到每分钟100词,能基本读懂国内英文报刊,掌握中心意思,理解主要事实和细节,能读懂工作、生活中常见的应用文体的材料,能在阅读中使用有效的阅读方法”。这对于广大的考生来说,虽然不是完全陌生、一无所知的,至少在考试中是全新的,特别对于非英语专业的考生而言。 指导考生如何顺利应对新的四级考试是《全新四级710分快速突破丛书:阅读》编写的目的和宗旨。《全新四级710分快速突破丛书:阅读》的面世是应广大考生之需,使他们在较短的时间内能适应新的改革模式,熟悉新题型。 《全新四级710分快速突破丛书:阅读》由两个部分组成,即: 第一部分,作者详细分析传统的阅读理解考试的特点、考查的内容和形式、解题的注意事项,特别是从解题技巧上加以指导。对于新增加的快速阅读理解部分也不吝笔墨,力求让考生能洞悉其中奥妙,做题时得心应手。 第二部分,通过大量的题例讲解,透彻地分析,把理论应用到解题的实践中,相信读者会大受裨益。 《全新四级710分快速突破丛书:阅读》作者长期从事大学英语教学和四、六级考试辅导培训,充分了解考生普遍存在的问题和需要以及四、六级考试的特点,积累了丰富的经验。因此,《全新四级710分快速突破丛书:阅读》的内容针对性强,贴近考生。如果考生按照书中的建议认真准备,考试一定会有可观的成绩。《全新四级710分快速突破丛书:阅读》由陈俊华、叶静主编,王璨和彭江参编。 由于时间有限,书中难免会有疏漏,恳请读者原谅的同时,真诚地希望能将宝贵意见反馈给我们,以便我们进一步完善此书,使更多的读者受益。
第一部分 阅读理解题型特点及应试策略一、阅读理解综述A、提高阅读理解能力的方法B、大纲的演变及考试要求的变化二、各题型特点及应试策略A、篇章阅读理解B、篇章词汇理解C、快速阅读理解第二部分 模拟题精讲A、快速阅读理解10篇快速阅读理解10篇答案B、篇章词汇理解20篇篇章词汇理解20篇答案C、篇章阅读理解10套及答案详解
What are some examples of nationalist terrorist groups? Nationalist terrorist groups include tlle Irish Republican Army and the Palestine Liberation Organization,both of which said during the 1990s that they had renounced terrorism.Other prominent examples are the Basque Fatherland and Liberty,which seeks to create a Basque homeland separate from Spain.and the Kurdistan Workers’Party,which seeks to create a Kumish state independent from Turkey.Earlier nationalist terror groups sought to expel colonial rulers;such groups included the Irgnn and the Lehi(both Jewish militias opposed to British rule in Palestine in the 1940s)and the National Liberation Front(opposed to French rule in Algeria in the 1950s). What is religious terrorism? Religious terrorists seek to use violence to further what they see as divinely commanded purlxses。often targeting broad categories of foes in an attempt to bring about sweeping changes.Religious terrorisis come from many major faiths,as well as from small cults.This type of terrorism is growing swiftly,notes Bruce Hoffman of the RAND think tank;in 1995(the most recent year for which such statistics were available)。nearly half 0f t}le 56 known,active international terrorist groups were reli。 giously motivated.Because religious terrorists are concerned not with rallying a constituency of fellow nationalists or ideologues but with pursuing their own vision of the divine will,they lack one of the major constraints that historically has limited the scope of terror attacks,experts say.As Hoffman puts it.the most extreme religious terrorists can sanction“almost limitless violence against a virtually open.ended category of targets:that is.anyone who is not a member of the terrorists’religion or reli。 sious sect.” What are some examples of religious terrorist groups? Examples include Osama bin Laden’s a1.Qaeda network.tIle Palestinian Sunni Muslim organization Hamas.tlle Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollab,t}le radical Jewish groups affiliated with the late Rabbi Meir Kahane.t}le Israeli extremists Baruch Goldstein(who machine—gunned Muslim worship er8 in a Hebron mosque in 1994)and Yigal Amir(who assassinated then Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995),some American white.supremacist militias,and the Aum Shinrikyo doomsday cult in Japan. What is state-sponsored terrorism? State.sponsored terrorist groups are deliberately used by radical states as foreign policy tool sas Hoffman puts it.as“a cost—effective way of waging war covertly,through the use of surrogate warriors or‘guns for hire’”.One important early case was the Iranian government’s use of supposedly independent young militants to seize hostages at the American embassy in Tehran in 1979.With en。 hanced resources at their disposal.state—sponsored terrorist groups are often capable of carrying out moltdeadly attacks than other terrorists,including airplane bombings.