大学英语综合教程 1
王莹,杜文贤 主编
《大学英语综合教程》是一套供普通高等学校使用的英语教材,由多年奋斗在教学一线、熟知高校英语教学规律的教师共同编写完成。 本套教程认真研究和总结了同类教材的优势和不足,摒弃了实用性不大、操作性不强的内容。在此基础上,又充分考虑到高校学生的英语基础、学习态度、学习习惯及接受能力等因素,形成了这套独具特色、科学实用的《大学英语综合教程》。 《大学英语综合教程》共三册,本书为第一册。本册共有10个单元。每单元包括“说(Open Your Mouth)、听(Cheer up Your Ears)、读(Brighten Your Eyes)、写(Loose Your Hands)和趣味小版块(Relax Your Mind)”五部分。 Section One Open Your:Mouth包括两个紧扣交际主题的对话范例,紧跟其后的是仿真交际练习,即按设定范例进行模仿表演、按设定情景自编对话以及“前呼”如何“后应”等方面的练习。该部分生动的语言和生活化的情景让学生有话可说,交流的欲望和兴趣大大提高。 Section Two Cheer up Yotu Ears根据学生的实际水平设置了由易到难、循序渐进的听力练习内容:包括词汇辨音、问句答语选择、对话理解及复合式听写,等等。题型灵活实用,容量适中;精心挑选的听力内容紧扣单元交际话题,在训练听力的同时又增长了知识,开阔了视野。 Section Three Brighten Your Eyes两篇短文是本教程的基本阅读材料。文章语言真实规范、题材新颖,内容涉及现代生活的方方面面,融知识性和趣味性于一体。习题部分包括了根据课文内容设置的阅读理解题、语法词汇题和英汉互译几个模块。其特点是紧扣短文设计练习题目,教师可根据实际课时安排课堂练习,亦可布置为课后作业。 Section Four Loose Your Hands包括“语法”及“应用写作”两部分。“语法”以“够用”为原则,针对高校学生语法掌握薄弱这一具体情况,着重强化基本规律,再辅以特例进行教学。文字表达深入浅出、通俗易懂。“应用写作”则省略了烦琐枯燥的语言表述,取而代之的是容易模仿、易于记忆的标准写作示例。
《大学英语综合教程》是一套供普通高等学校使用的英语教材,由多年奋斗在教学一线、熟知高校英语教学规律的教师共同编写完成。 《大学英语综合教程》共三册,本书为第一册。本册共有10个单元。每单元包括“说(Open Your Mouth)、听(Cheer up Your Ears)、读(Brighten Your Eyes)、写(Loose Your Hands)和趣味小版块(Relax Your Mind)”五部分。各单元内容紧扣同一交际主题展开,强调听、说、读、写、译技能的综合培养。注重课堂活动的目的性和可操作性,增强学生的语言应用能力。注重题材的真实性、科学性、时效性、多样性和趣味性,从深层次激发学生的学习热情和兴趣。各环节设计科学、实际,难度和内容与高校学生的英语水平高度契合。
Unit 1 College Life Section One Open Your Mouth Section Two Cheer up Your Ears Section Three Brighten Your Eyes Passage 1 The Key to a Freshman in College Passage 2 My Fh'st Year of College Extra Reading The Teaching Methods in American Colleges Section Four Loose Your Hands Grammar Noun Applied Writing Business Card Section Five Relax Your MindUnit 2 Family and Friends Section One Open Your Mouth Section Two Cheer up Your Ears Section Three Brighten Your Eyes Passage 1 True Friendship Passage 2 The Changing American Family Extra Reading Our Parents Section Four Loose Your Hands Grammar Preposition & Article Applied Writing Greeting Card (I) Section Five Relax Your MindUnit 3 Communications Section One Open Your Mouth Section Two Cheer up Your Ears Section Three Brighten Your Eyes Passage 1 The Importance of Cell Phones in Modem Society Passage 2 A Smaller World Extra Reading Safe or Harmful? Section Four, Loose Your Hands Grammar Pronoun Applied Writing Greeting Card (II) Section Five Relax Your MindUnit 4 Food Culture Section One Open Your Mouth Section Two Cheer up Your Ears Section Three Brighten Your Eyes Passage 1 Garlic -- Your Healthy Food Passage 2 Pay Attention to the Food You Eat Extra Reading Food and Face Section Four Loose Your Hands Grammar Tense (I) Applied Writing Invitation Letter Section Five Relax Your MindUnit 5 Shopping Section One Open Your Mouth Section Two Cheer up Your Ears Section Three Brighten Your Eyes Passage 1 Mall of America Passage 2 Holiday Shopping on the Job? Call It "Cyber Monday" Extra Reading Saving People Money So They Can Live Better Section Four Loose Your Hands Grammar Tense (II) Applied Writing Answering an Invitation Card Section Five Relax Your MindUnit 6 Sports Section One Open Your Mouth Section Two Cheer up Your Ears Section Three Brighten Your Eyes Passage 1 Sports and Health Passage 2 My Favorite Sport Extra Reading Olympics Section Four Loose Your Hands Grammar Tense (III) Applied Writing Note Section Five Relax Your MindUnit 7 Advertisements Section One Open Your Mouth Section Two Cheer up Your Ears Section Three Brighten Your Eyes Passage 1 Does Post Card Advertising Really Work? Passage 2 Get a Good Buy Extra Reading Ads Section Four Loose Your Hands Grammar Modal Verb Applied Writing Personal Ad Section Five Relax Your MindUnit 8 Weather Section One Open Your Mouth Section Two Cheer up Your Ears Section Three Brighten Your Eyes Passage 1 The Lost Homeland Passage 2 Natural Disasters Extra Reading Influences of Weather on People Section Four Loose Your Hands Grammar Numeral & There be Clause Applied Writing Merchandise-Selling Advertisement Section Five Relax Your MindUnit 9 Health Section One Open Your Mouth Section Two Cheer up Your Ears Section Three Brighten Your Eyes Passage 1 Be Alert to Online Medical Information Passage 2 Keep away from Lead Extra Reading Being a Victim of My Own Cleverness Section Four, Loose Your Hands Grammar Passive Voice Applied Writing Direction for Medicine Administration Section Five Relax Your MindUnit 10 Hobbies Section One Open Your Mouth Section Two Cheer up Your Ears Section Three Brighten Your Eyes Passage 1 British Children Are Encouraged to Read More Passage 2 A Well-Balanced Life Extra Reading Several Ways to Get Financial Aid at U. S. Colleges Section Four Loose Your Hands Grammar Direct Speech & Indirect Speech Applied Writing Flight Schedule & Train Schedule Section Five Relax Your MindAppendixes I. Glossary II. Phrases and Expressions III. Phonetics
A healthy body is necessary for a healthy mind. As is known, to have a sound mind,we must first have a sound body. This is of vital importance. Only by keeping ourselveshealthy and strong can we feel energetic and vigorous in studying and working and live ahappy life. To keep ourselves fit, physical exercise isthe best way. In taking part in out-door sports, we are closer to nature and can take in fresh air.The beauty of nature will keep us clear-headed,which is essential to our health. Besides, sportsstimulate the circulation of blood and help toexcrete the wastes in the body. Sports can alsowork up our appetite and activate our digestion.As a result, we can become strong-bodied. I always take an active part in physicalexercise and enjoy good health. I seldom getsick but feel vigorous even if I work a whole day. I shall keep up doing physical exercise soas to live longer and do more for the country. A healthy body is the prerequisite for a healthy mind. As we know, the physical healthis of great importance to our sound mind. Without it, the health of our minds is just likecastle in the air. Only with a healthy and strong body can we live. As far as I am concerned, its very important for us to do sports. Doing sports can keepus healthy and strong. So we should do sports every day. Of course, studying is importantnow, but health is more important. If people dont have healthy bodies to work, they wontwork well either. Doing sports can make us very fit, and well be very happy. Lets dosports together from now on, all of us will be very healthy and happy that way.