This book is published by Southwest Jiaotong University Press according to colleges aim andrequest of fostering students, referring to a great lot of inland and overseas literatures on Customsoperations in order to adapt to colleges request of special English teaching of Customsadministration. The intention is to foster students ability of using Customs English and improvethe Customs stuffs ability of special English literature reading and writing. English is widely used in Customs daily works, which has been involved in all aspects ofoperation, playing a very important part in the knowledge structure of Customs personnel as well asin the syllabus of Customs College.
Lesson One Overview of China CustomsAdditional Reading China Customs, Marching ForwardLesson Two General Agreement on Tariffs and TradeAdditional Reading The World Trade OrganizationLesson Three Tariff Barriers to TradeAdditional Reading Non-tariffBarriers to TradeLesson Four Bonded WarehousesAdditional Reading Temporary Exemption from DutyLesson Five International TradeAdditional Reading Customs UnionLesson Six Customs Clearing AgencyAdditional Reading Shipping, Insurance, Airway Bill and CustomsLesson Seven The World Customs OrganizationAdditional Reading Customs Co-operation CouncilLesson Eight The Customs Officer and the Incoming PassengersAdditional Reading Customs Baggage Declaration FormLesson Nine Customs Supervision and Control Over Imports and ExportsAdditional Reading Export DocumentationLesson Ten Customs Supervision and Control over the Inward andOutward Means of TransportationAdditional Reading Customs Regulations of the PRC for the Supervision of Inbound and Outbound Trains and Goods and Commodities ThereonLesson Eleven Customs Control aver Manufacture in Bond for ExportAdditional Reading Customs Supervision and Control over Processing Trade andBond OperationsLesson Twelve Customs Supervision and Control over Postal ArticlesAdditional Reading People Treated with Diplomatic CourtesyLesson Thirteen Customs DutiesAdditional Reading Collection of Customs DutiesLesson Fourteen Prevention and Detection of SmugglingAdditional Reading China Customs Protection of Intellectual Property RightsLesson Fifteen Post-clearance Audit System of China CustomsAdditional Reading Developing International Co-operation in Drug Control.Lesson Sixteen Customs Risk ManagementAdditional Reading Brief Review of the Risk Management Development of China CustomsLesson Seventeen Science and Technology of China CustomsAdditional Reading The Papedess Summary ProgramLesson Eighteen China Customs StatisticsAdditional Reading The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding SystemLesson Nineteen Integrity Building of China CustomsAdditional Reading Declaration of the Customs Co-operation CouncilConcerning Integrity in Customs (Arusha Declaration)Lesson Twenty China Customs in the Twenty-first CenturyAdditional Reading Building a Modern Customs SystemChinese Translation for ReferenceKey to Exercises for ReferenceBibliographyPostscript
政府因此转而使用非关税壁垒(NTB),如对进口商品确定明确的配额限制。由于此种限制不受市场因素的影响,可以确切地知道能进口多少商品。遗憾的是,由于对进口商品的上述限制,获得进口许可证的商人可能对供不应求的进口货物索要高价,因而有可能产生垄断利润。若没有对进口商品的配额限制,他们就不能总是向公众索价过高。而且他们也会减少消费者自由选择的机会。这些配额从本质上说也会减少世界贸易,但它们可以刺激经济效率低下地区的生产。 如上所述,当对进口货物征收关税,即对价格产生迅速、直接、明显的影响。货物增加的价格可能十分接近于税额。与此相反,要预测配额对货物价格的影响就困难得多,尤其是对那些并不全是境内生产的货物来讲,结果就更无法确定。例如,很多国家并没有自己的汽车工业,因而进口配额可以引起汽车价格相当大的改变。因此,关税及非关税壁垒都对世界贸易格局产生巨大的影响。 发达国家传统上都对初级产品保持低关税,而对半制成品和制成品征收的关税却高得多。这种做法通过限制发展中国家的出口可能性,阻碍了这些国家加工工业的增长。然而,这个问题在过去的十年至十五年中取得了最重要的改善,其中之一就是引进了普惠制(GSP)。普惠制规定允许大量的制成品以减免税方式从发展中国家进口到工业国家。 另外还有一些在国际范围内取得的成就。关税与贸易总协定通过长期的努力实现了总的关税税率在一定程度上全面地降低。最近的一次就是众所周知的于1979年结束的东京回合的多边谈判。这些谈判持续了六年,取得了将在八年内总体上降低工业品关税约30%的成果。 遗憾的是,关税壁垒降低后,使用非关税壁垒的趋势就增强了。这两种壁垒毫无疑问都将成为世界各国未来就国际贸易限制问题而进行的谈判中面临的主要问题。