

罗亦君 等 著 西南交通大学出版社





罗亦君 等 著  




  本套教材是计算机辅助外语教学的大背景下,大学英语阅读课程教学改革与探索的一个结晶。  首先,该教材在使用方法上实现了新的突破。传统的大学英语阅读教材一般为纸质教材,学生利用课余时间阅读,教师在课堂上讲解,存在的一个不足是教师难以有效监控学生的阅读情况。例如,学生是否阅读了,读了多少,读懂了多少,难点在哪里,等等,面对庞大的学生群体,教师难以逐一了解和掌握。该教材则是利用网络技术克服这一不足的有益尝试。教材分为纸质部分和网络部分,纸质部分的阅读内容要求学生课外阅读,不限时,然后在网络上完成阅读练习;网络部分的阅读内容则要求学生在老师规定的时段,上网限时阅读。每一个学生有一个登录号,老师可实时、方便地掌握所教班级学生的课外阅读进展情况,并可以在线答疑、讨论。系统将统计每个学生的答题正确率和每一道习题的正确率,为教师课堂讲解把握重、难点提供依据。期末时,系统将根据学生的阅读量、阅读练习正确率、是否在规定时间完成阅读内容等自动给出学生成绩,作为教师给定学生平时成绩的参考依据。这样,就实现了教师对学生课外阅读情况的有效跟踪了解,有利于提高课堂讲解效率,使教师对学生平时成绩的评定有根有据。同时,学生通过上网学习,为适应大学英语四、六级考试机考做好准备。  其次,该教材在体例上也有所创新。全套教材分为一、二、三、四册,分别供第一、二、三、四学期使用,难度由浅入深、循序渐进,视难度情况配有注释;每册八个单元,分专题组织阅读材料,便于学生围绕某个专题获取相关知识和信息,设计的专题包括学习与成长、健康与人生、人与自然、环保与社会、科学与文明、文化与沟通、时政与经济、人物故事,等等,有利于学生拓展视野,提高综合素质;每个专题下有快速阅读文章、深度阅读文章和美文欣赏,文章后配有理解练习题,每学期配有期中、期末测试题各一套。  本套教材在策划、编写过程中得到了成都理工大学、四川理工学院、重庆交通大学等有关领导和老师们,西南交通大学出版社的李涛副社长、王婷副总编辑以及其他有关编辑老师的大力支持和热情帮助,在此向他们表示衷心的感谢。同时,还要向提供阅读素材的作者们表示诚挚的谢意。  限于时间和水平,书中失误、不妥之处在所难免,恳请广大读者批评指正。




Unit 1 Environment and ProtectionPassage 1 (Intensive Reading)What Causes Global Warming?Passage 2 (Fast Reading)Creative Recycling Tips to Help the EnvironmentPassage 3 (Appreciation)WinterUnit 2 Learnin9 and GrowthPassage 1 (Intensive Reading)The First Four MinutesPassage 2 (Fast Reading)From Dumb English to Smart EnglishPassage 3 (Appreciation)Just for TodayUnit 3 Information and TechnologyPassage 1 (Intensive Reading)Study: TV Makes Learning Less EfficientPassage 2 (Fast Reading)What Your Inbox Says about YouPassage 3 (Appreciation)Growing RootsUnit 4 Health and LifePassage 1 (Intensive Reading)Excessive Sugar Can Begin a Vicious EnergyPassage 2 (Fast Reading)Government Changes to Environment Can Make Us FitPassage 3 (Appreciation)T. S. EliotUnit 5 Cross-CulturePassage 1 (Intensive Reading)Aspects of English Life: Class DelineationPassage 2 (Fast Reading)10 Smart Money Moves to Make in Tough TimesPassage 3 (Appreciation)Knowledge and VirtueUnit 6 People and Their StoriesPassage 1 (Intensive Reading)Unexpected Wonder——JeansPassage 2 (Fast Reading)The Mystery of the MayasPassage 3 (Appreciation)How to Grow OldUnit 7 Science and NaturePassage 1 (Intensive Reading)Brain Pills Are Coming SoonPassage 2 (Fast Reading)On the Phone, Better to Be Heard and Not SeenPassage 3 (Appreciation)Thoughts for a New YearUnit 8 Animal WorldPassage 1 (Intensive Reading)How Spiders "Fly" Hundreds of MilesPassage 2 (Fast Reading)Heroes: Dog Attack RescuePassage 3 (Appreciation)Franklin D. Roosevelts Pearl Harbor Speech (Excerpt)网络部分Unit 1 Environment and ProtectionPassage 1 (Intensive Reading)Carbon Dioxide Storage a SuccessPassage 2 (Fast Reading)Earth DayUnit 2 Learning and Growth:Passage 1 (Intensive Reading)Four Words That Make Life WorthwhilePassage 2 (Fast Reading)How to Read FastUnit 3 Information and TechnologyPassage 1 (Intensive Reading)Is the Era of Cellphone Ads Coming to Us?Passage 2 (Fast Reading)Internet AddictionUnit 4 Health and LifePassage 1 (Intensive Reading)Health and Happiness Arent Always LinkedPassage 2 (Fast Reading)Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder for DummiesQuiz 1Fast ReadingPassage 1Global Warming a Tough Sell for the Human PsychePassage 2The Elements of Multimedia in EducationIntensive ReadingPassage 3The Value of IntuitionPassage 4The Blog PhenomenonPassage 5Teenagers Face Health TimebombUnit 5 Cross-CulturePassage 1 (Intensive Reading)The American Food HabitsPassage 2 (Fast Reading)The Way to Celebrate International Womens DayUnit 6 People and Their StoriesPassage 1 (Intensive Reading)How to Make an ImpressionPassage 2 (Fast Reading)Interview with Tim DuncanUnit 7 Science and NaturePassage 1 (Intensive Reading)Development and MemoryPassage 2 (Fast Reading)Which of These Foods Will Stop Cancer?Unit 8 Animal WorldPassage 1 (Intensive Reading)Islands: Breeding Grounds for the UniquePassage 2 (Fast Reading)Thinking the Way Animals DoQuiz 2Fast ReadingPassage 1The History of ChocolatePassage 2Americans Eating Habits More Wasteful Than EverIntensive ReadingPassage 3Stress Programs in USPassage 4Rescue at SeaPassage 5Giving Support to Lab Animal Experiments参考答案


  3. Review your statements. Get a feel for what you are spending. Where is your money really going? You may often find some errors and double charges. Look at hidden fees from all the bills you pay. Confirm that some of your regular income is going to a savings account on a monthly basis. If you have an investment account, take a close look at what you have: stocks, funds, bonds, cash, gold. Know what you have and then ask yourself how it feels. You dont need to have a finance background to know whether your money situation is letting you sleep at night.  4. Get back to basics. This applies to every area of your life. Do you need to be spending so much on margaritas? Do you need another pair of jeans or shoes? Do you need a gym membership in a hot club you never use? Everyone knows where they are "leaking" money. For some its on clothes, others its on food, and others its on personal beauty treatments, Ask yourself what changes you can make that only you would notice.




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