郝美彦 编
Chapter1 Introduction Objective Key terms 1.1 Exporting and importing 1.2 Terms and conditions of contract 1.3 Procedures of importing and exporting business 1.4 The laws and usual practices of the international trade Summary Key words, phrases and special terms Chapter2 International Trade Terms Reading material Objectives Key terms 2.1 Trade terms and international trade usages 2.2 The trade terms of group E,F,C in Incoterms 2000 2.3 The trade terms of group D in Incoterms 2000 2.4 Incoterms~ 2010 2.5 The choice of trade terms in practice Summary Key words, phrases and special terms Basic skill training Reading material Chapter3 Terms of Commodity Objectives Key terms 3.1 Name and quality of commodity 3.2 Quantity of commodity 3.3 Packing of commodity Summary Key words, phrases and special terms Basic skill training Reading material Chapter4 International Cargo Transport Objectives Key terms 4.1 Modes of transportation 4.2 The shipment clause 4.3 Shipping documents Summary Key words, phrases and special terms Basic skill training Reading material Chapter5 Insurance-Marine Cargo Insurance Objectives Key terms 5.1 The scope of marine cargo insurance coverage 5.2 Conditions of marine cargo insurance 5.3 London Insurance Institute cargo clauses 5.4 Insurance clauses in the contract and forms of insurance contract Key words, phrases and special terms Basic skill training Reading material Chapter6 Terms of Price Objectives Key terms 6.1 About the price 6.2 Pricing methods 6.3 Selection of money of account and the price clause Summary Key words, phrases and special terms Basic skill training Reading material Chapter7 International Payment Objectives Key terms 7.1 Instruments of payment 7.2 Modes of payment 7.3 Combination of different modes of payment 7.4 Payment clause in a contract Summary Key words, phrases and special terms Basic skill training Reading material Chapter8 Inspection and Claims Objectives Key terms 8.1 Inspection 8.2 Claims Summary Key words, phrases and special terms Basic skill training Reading material Chapter9 Force Majeure and Arbitration Objectives Key terms 9.1 Force majeure 9.2 Arbitration Summary Key words, phrases and special terms Basic skill training Reading material Chapter10 Negotiation of Contract Objectives Key terms 10.1 The steps of signing a contract 10.2 The form and contents of a contract Summary Key words, phrases and special terms Basic skill training Reading material Chapter11 Implementation of Contract Objectives Key terms 11.1 performance of export contract 11.2 performance of import contract 11.3 The main import and export documents Summary Key words, phrases and special terms Basic skill training Reading material Chapter12 Modes of International Trade Objectives Key terms 12.1 Exclusive sales and agency 12.2 Invitation to tender and submission of tender 12.3 Auction and consignment 12.4 Counter trade and processing and assembling trade Summary Key words, phrases and special terms Basic skill training Reading material Appendix Test 1 Test 2 Test 3
(3) All risks. Aside from the risks covered under the F. P. A. and W. P. A. conditions as above, this insurance also covers all risks of losses or damages to the insured goods whether partial or total, arising from general external causes in the course of transit. Additional coverage As above-mentioned, this kind of risk can' t be covered independently; they shall be covered depending on one kind of the basic risks. According to the nature of-goods insured, the cargo owner may choose any of the three basic covers. If more protections are needed, he may further insure his goods against one or several additional risks. (1) General additional risks. Risk of theft, pilferage and non-delivery ( T. P. N. D. ). Risk of theft and pilferage refers to the risk against the cargo' s being stolen in transit of voyage. Risk of non-delivery refers to the risk against loss of complete packages due to improper unloading or for some unknown reasons. Risk of fresh water and/or rain damage. The risk of damage to the goods by fresh water and/or rain is covered by this coverage. Risk of shortage. This risk covers the shortage of weight for the goods due to the external packing broken.However, normal shortage of weight in transit is not covered. Risk of intermixture and contamination. Damage to the goods caused by its being intermixed or contaminated with each other is covered by this risk. Risk of leakage. It covers the risk of leakage of the liquid goods caused by the damaged container. Risk of clash and breakage. The risk of breakage of the fragile goods by vibration, clash or pressing is covered by this risk. Risk of taint of odor. It covers risk of taint of odor of the edibles, Chinese medicine, toilet material, etc. , occurring during the course of transit effeeted by other goods. Risk of sweat and heating. It covers risks of sweat, heating and wetting occurring during the course of transit arising from sudden change of temperature or break down of ventilation of the carrying vessel. Risk of hook damage. It covers damage to the goods caused by hooks in the process of loading and unloading including expenses of recondition or change of packing. Risk of breakage of packing. ……