吴宝康,李芳兰 编著
我国古代海关的起源,一般认为是在西周,至今已有三千多年的历史。其名称几经变迁,经历过关、塞、关楼、津、市、市舶司、月港督饷馆、钞关、户关、工关、常关等,直到清代康熙二十四年(1685年),中国历史上才第一次出现了正式的、以海关命名的进出境关口。1840年鸦片战争以后,中国沦为半殖民地半封建国家,丧失了关税自主权和海关行政管理权。为收回海关主权,培养我国自己的海关人才,清政府于1908年在北京创办了税务学堂,开创了我国海关高等教育的先河。1913年,北洋政府教育部批准改名为税务专门学校。在四十余年的办学中,该校为中国海关培养了两千余名专业人才。 新中国的海关专业教育起步于1953年,以上海海关学校的设立为标志。1980年经国务院批准,上海海关学校升格为上海海关专科学校。1996年更名为上海海关高等专科学校。2007年3月,教育部批准在上海海关高等专科学校的基础上设立上海海关学院。上海海关学院作为全国唯一系列设置海关类课程和专业的本科院校,承担着传播海关专业知识、培养海关专门人才、进行海关学术研究、开展海关国际交流与合作的重任。 上海海关学院的发展,事关人才培养重任,事关国家的海关大业,需要我们冷静思考,科学规划,抓住机遇,真抓实干,在新的起点上以新的办学思路、新的办学举措、新的办学业绩来适应海关和社会经济贸易发展的变化。为此,学院确立了走专业化、精品化、特色化的发展之路,分别设置了分属管理学、经济学、法学和文学等学科门类的若干个本科和专科专业。为实现立足海关、服务社会、面向国际,把学院建设成为教育、培训协调发展,具有鲜明海关特色的高等学府的办学目标,学院将坚持党和国家的教育方针,遵循教育教学规律,科学界定办学定位,努力发挥办学优势,逐步形成办学特色,不断提高教育培训质量,全面提升学院的综合实力和办学水平,真正将上海海关学院办成名副其实的海关人才培养基地。 在海关总署的领导和全国海关的支持下,升本后的上海海关学院在严格按照教育教学规律组织教学工作,夯实教学管理的基础工作,切实加强教学监控,狠抓人才培养质量的同时,积极探索构建以海关学为核心的学科群,探讨海关学基础理论,明确海关学的研究对象,建立包括海关管理学、海关法学、关税学等在内的二级学科理论体系,努力使中国海关拥有与自身地位相匹配的学科地位。为满足迅速发展的海关高等教育的实际需要,学院根据教学需要和学院实际,着手组织编写了这套“海关高等教育教材”(以下简称教材)。
Part I Writing Basics Unit 1 Writing Effectively——An Introduction to Business Correspondence forInternational Trade Unit 2 Elements of a LetterPart Ⅱ Business Negotiation Unit 3 Starting Business Unit 4 Enqiuiries, Quotations and Offers Unit 5 Credit and Status Enquiries Unit 6 Sales Promotion Unit 7 Orders and AcknowledgementsPart Ⅲ Execution Unit 8 Payment Unit 9 Urging the Establishment of and Amendment to L/C Unit 10 Packing and Marking Unit 11 Shipment Unit 12 Marine Insurance Unit 13 Agency Unit 14 Complaints, Disputes, Claims and Their SettlementsPart IV Related Documents Unit 15 Some Usual Documents Used in the Import and Export Business Unit 16 Common Documents Used in the Business of Freight Forwarding ServiceAPPENDIX Appendix I The Standard Two-Letter Abbreviations for States of the U. S. A. Appendix II The Standard Two-Letter Abbreviations for Provinces in Canada Appendix III Commonly Used Abbreviations in Address 参考答案
When you write a letter, you will have to consider how to write effectively. A persuasiveletter of sales promotion will certainly help increase business opportunity for your company whilean ambiguous letter of acceptance is but a waste of timet. To make your writing effective,you may follow some generally accepted principles. They can be summed up as six Cs, namely"Clearness", "Comprehensiveness", "Conciseness", "Correctness", "Consideratin" and"Courtesy”. Clearness is the most important characteristic of good business writing. It means conveyingyour message to the recipient without being misunderstood. Ambiguity, vagueness, clichrst~7and so forth are likely to make it difficult for people to understand what you want to express. Thewordy jargon "at this point in time" is certainly more difficult to understand than the simpleword "now" and the word "because" is a more direct word than the old expression "inasmuchas". It is always necessary to write in direct, plain and simple language. Comprehensiveness requires complete information the readers will need. Be sure to includeall the necessary information so as to avoid the trouble of busy exchange of correspondencewhich sometimes results in the loss of time and, what is worse, loss of opportunity. It isunderstandable that a company cannot make a correct decision based on incomplete information. Conciseness helps a lot to make business letters clear and effective. One simple way toshorten a document is to get rid of the unnecessary long words and phrases. Instead of writing,"A product with reasonable price and good quality will be more than we comed at this market ofours (18 words)", just say, "A reasonably-priced good-quality product will sell fast at ourmarket ( 10 words) ". When writing "He made the statement that he agreed that a price cut wasnecessary (13 words) ", just ask yourself if it would be better to say "He agreed that a price cutwas necessary (8 words)". Please remember, in business letter writing, it is a wrong idea thatlong documents are better than short ones. Most readers, just like you, prefer short ones as theyare busy dealing with a pile of business letters daily. Correctness means observingtthe rules of spelling, grammar, punctuation, usage and soforth. If you write "While breaking into the computer s memory, the investigators captured thehackers", the readers will be confused by the question: who broke into the computer smemory, the investigators or the hackers?If your document is full of careless writing errors,your readers will get impatient to read it and doubt the accuracy of your information or even theauthenticity of your writing.